The Philadelphia Experiment Timeline
This timeline was created to properly set the stage of events that transpired around, and during the Philadelphia Experiment.
With all the different sources of information available on the PX (over 65 books, videos, etc.) one begins to look at all the dates, and wonder if they all “jive?” This time line was created to give the reader an overall picture of events that took place. Keep in mind that all the events described in the time line are taken from various sources (of various quality,) and are as accurate as possible. Consider this a compilation of Historical Fact, Fantasy, Hope and maybe Hoax.
- These are just little snippets of information attached to a date, please refer to specific topics in the menus for detailed information.
- Dates of “JAN/01” are used when the event happened in that year but no exact date was given.
- The numbers at the end of the text in {x} are reference numbers to the source, this table can be found on the left near the top of the timeline
- There is NO dates giving by Alfred Bielek, Duncan Cameron, or Preston Nichols. All dates are the core original people involved in the Philadelphia Experiment, researchers, or historical fact.

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Total Events Presently In The Timeline

Einstein Meeting With The Office Of Navel Research, 1943

USS Eldridge (DE-173), 1944, Apr 25th
Reference Numbers
1. “The Philadelphia Experiment” by William L. Moore, Charles F. Berlitz
2. “The Bermuda Triangle” by Charles F. Berlitz
5. “Without A Trace” by Charles F. Berlitz
6. Carl Allen’s statements and letters to Mr. Jessup
7. “Revelations – Alien Contact and Human Deceptions” by Jacques Vallee
8. “Subtle is the Lord, The Science and Life of Albert Einstein,” by Abraham Pais
9. “Invisible Horizons: True Mysteries of the Sea” by Vincent H. Gaddis
10. “Prodigal Genius – The Life of Nikola Tesla” by John J. O’Neill
11. “Einstein – the Life and Times” by Ronald W. Clark
13. “Anatomy of a Hoax: The Philadelphia Experiment Fifty Years Later” by Jacques Vallee
14. “Alias Carlos Allende” by Robert A. Goerman
15. “The Philadelphia Experiment & Other UFO Conspiracies” by Brad Steiger
16. National Archives Microfilm Reel#NRS 1978-28
17. Written Letters
18. “The Philadelphia Experiment: An Update” by William L. Moore
19. “Philadelphia Experiment: Didn’t Happen Says Former Crew Members” – Philadelphia Inquirer Artical by Lacy McCrarey – March 26 1999