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Calvin Parker – News


Calvin Parker Fox Getting Ready for Fox 10 News 'WATTER'S WORLD' (2019-09-24)

Calvin Parker Fox Getting Ready for Fox 10 News ‘WATTER’S WORLD’ (2019-09-24)

Calvin’s Appearances and Conferences


2021-01-17 Calvin Parker MUFON Los Angeles Zoom Meeting


Since COVID has closed most conferences for this year, please enjoy hearing Calvin recount his abduction encounter from a few past appearances.

October 2019, Ozark Mountain UFO Conference (1hr, 26min)

April 2019, UFO HUB (35minutes)

1973 Remarkable UFO Incidents… The Year We Truly Realized We Were Not Alone!

News Coverage



SunHerald, Mar 23rd; A living Coast legend relives his story of aliens and UFOs. An 11-year-old has questions.

The Delta Statment, Mar 11th; Pascagoula, Miss.: in the year 1973, the lives of two local shipyard workers, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, would be changed forever. 


Mirror, Feb 21st; Calvin Parker, 58, claimed that as an 19-year-old he was abducted by aliens who had lobster-like claws, probed him, and showed him visions of the future where he foresaw a plague and World War Three

The Sun, Feb 18th; A MAN wildly claims he was shown terrifying visions of the Covid outbreak and a bloody global war when he was allegedly abducted by aliens in one of the most infamous close encounters of all time.



WLOX, Oct 11th; On This Day: 47 years pass since Pascagoula Alien Abduction


The Clarion Ledger, Jul 13th; ‘They didn’t make it up.’ Interview recording surfaces in Pascagoula alien abduction case


Arlhub, Feb 9th; Alien Abduction Stories – Why Sheriff Diamond Believed Calvin Parker



WLOX, Oct 4th; “Meet the Author: Calvin Parker with “Pascagoula-The Story Continues”

The Clarion Ledger, Oct 4th; “More UFO witnesses: Mississippi man writes second book about his alien abduction”


WLOX, Sep 30th; “Pascagoula Alien Abduction: The story continues with Calvin Parker’s new book”

The Daily Star (UK), Sep 29th; ”Alien abductee’ has famous kidnap by ‘faceless woman’ brought back via hypnosis

KRTV Great Falls, Sep 27th; “Area 51: A deep dive into aliens, UFOs, and conspiracy”


The Sun (UK) Tuesday, Aug 20th; ‘LEAVE ME THE F*** ALONE’ Man claims he STRANGLED female ‘alien’ who poked her finger up his nose during infamous UFO encounter in unearthed hypnosis tape.

Daily Star (UK) Sunday, Aug 4th; US ‘alien abductee’ behind biggest UFO conspiracy to reveal all four decades on. THE “alien abductee” behind the notorious Pascagoula Incident is speaking-out, four decades after his petrifying testimony sparked a media storm.

The Sunday Post, Aug 4th; ‘We were fishing on a pier, then aliens levitated us aboard UFO’ : The story of one of the world’s most sensational ‘alien encounters’


The Washington Post, June 26th; The men claimed they were abducted by aliens. In Mississippi, police believed them.


WLOX News, March 14th; Pascagoula UFO: A new witness comes forward (Video)

The SUN, March 11th; ‘I KNOW I SAW IT’ New witnesses emerge in infamous 1973 ‘alien abduction’ case of two fishermen ‘taken by creatures with lobster claws’ The witnesses claim they saw a UFO and a strange figure emerge from the water the night two fishermen were allegedly “abducted”.

Earlier This Year

Spanish TV show “Fourth Millennium” did an episode featuring Calvin Parker and the Pascagoula Encounter.

TV / Video News Coverage

2019 International UFO Congress Calvin Parker & Travis Walton

2019 International UFO Congress Calvin Parker & Travis Walton

New Full Length Documentary Now Out


Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson were abducted by Aliens in 1973. The incident made headline news around the world yet like many reported UFO encounters skips into the ether and is forgotten over time. This case, however, now takes the forefront decades later as new eyewitnesses have emerged to tell the story and confirm the horrifying encounter actually happened on that October night in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Hear the true story from the lone survivor, Calvin Parker, and the shocking details that have never before been exposed until now. This is the Alien abduction case that will change your mind about the Alien presence on Earth. Consultants Dr. Irena Scott and Philip Mantle

Watch Now on AppleTViTunesGoogle PlayXBoxRedbox, and Vudu.

Alien Contact-The Pascagoula UFO Encounter (Documentary)

TV / Documentaries




Calvin was just featured on The Travel Channel’s “UFOs The Lost Evidence“, Season 2, Episode 3 “Abduction” 

“As long as there have been UFO sightings, there have been claims of alien abduction. This phenomena and the alleged alien implants sometimes left behind are examined in the light of never-before-seen evidence and eyewitness testimony.”

Calvin’s Appearances and Conferences (Recently Finished)


January 31st~Feb 1st; Aliens Revealed Live (CONFERENCE)

Calvin will be a speaker at Aliens Revealed Live, an online FREE UFO conference with more guest speakers then some of the ones you can presently fly too. Calvin’s Publisher Philip Mantle, as well as Kathleen Marden (Calvin’s regression Therapist)  will also hold talks. 

Our hand-picked team of 28 world-class alien & otherworldly experts will provide and “inside” look into the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda, disclose National Security Secrets about UFO’s, provide you with recounts of actual encounters, and discuss “The Great Conspiracy.” Plus so much more! 

January 11th 9am~3pm; 2020 Annual Pascagoula Public Library’s ‘Ghoula-Con’ Enter our Cosplay & Art contest and win cash prizes! Visit our Artist Alley with Disney artist Philo Barnheart and others. Hear from Calvin Parker, Eric Zala, and more! Enjoy food and visit Comic Artists and other vendors in the meeting room! Calvin will have a talk about his experience and hold a book signing (Free Admission!)

2020 Annual Pascagoula Public Library w/ Calvin Parker


September 15th; Calvin will be the guest speaker via Skype for the Northern California MUFON meeting at the Community of Infinite Spirit located at: 1540 Hicks Avenue in San Jose, CA

September 4th~8th; 28th Annual International UFO Congress in Phoenix, Arizona. Calvin will be doing a Lecture: The Pascagoula UFO Incident

UFO Congress Logo

November 15th; Calvin will have a talk about his experience and hold a book signing. 618 Delmas Ave, Pascagoula, Mississippi. This Friday Join us in downtown Pascagoula for an out-of-this-world time complete with a glow bicycle parade, costume contest, photo ops, vendors and MORE! Hear the story of the 1973 alien abduction from Calvin Parker himself, and get a signed copy of his first or second book available to purchase from Main Street Pascagoula.

MainStreet Pascagoula (Nov-15-2019)

Movie Based On Calvin’s Experience In The Works


PASCAGOULA MOVIE UPDATE: (August 31st, 2019, by Philip Mantle)

The Pascagoula movie is moving forward with the third draft of the screenplay almost ready. The screen writer will be visiting Pascagoula for the second time in September in order to talk with Calvin Parker and others. There is no guarantee that the movie will be made, however, all of us involved are 100% confident that it will. In the meantime Calvin Parker’s book is on sale via Amazon.

PASCAGOULA MOVIE UPDATE: (July 9th, 2019, by Philip Mantle

It’s been no secret that we have been working with a US film/tv producer on a possible movie based on Calvin Parker’s close encounter on the Pascagoula River on October 11th, 1973. Well, I can confirm that a writer was in Pascagoula earlier this year interviewing Calvin Parker and others. That writer has now produced the first draft of the movie screenplay. We can’t discuss the contents but I must say that I am more than pleased with what he has written. This is only the first draft so there’s still a long way to go but things are looking very promising indeed.


The screenplay based on Calvin Parker’s book ‘Pascagoula – The Closest Encounter’ has now reached the second draft stage. The screen writer was in Pascagoula, Mississippi earlier this year talking to Calvin and others and how now written his second draft of the screenplay. He hopes to possibly visit Pascagoula again later this year as this project progresses. This does not of course guarantee that Calvin Parker’s story will be made into a movie, but it does at the very least take it one step closer. I have read the screenplay as has Calvin and we will provide the writer with some constructive comments in due course. Although I know I am biased I do honestly believe that Calvin’s story would make a hell of a movie and here’s keeping my fingers crossed that this happens sooner rather than later.

Latest Case News

Full story of Mr Vernon (Jerry) Blair and Mrs Maria Blair Documented

Full story of Mr Vernon (Jerry) Blair and Mrs Maria Blair Documented

The alien abduction experienced by Calvin Parker & Charles Hickson on the Pascagoula River, Mississippi, on October 11th, 1973 is covered in great detail in this new book “Beyond Reasonable Doubt.” Decades later, we were able to locate two new first-hand eyewitnesses to these events but witnesses that had also gone through their own encounter. This happened literally on the other side of the Pascagoula River on the same date and time as the Hickson/Parker encounter. For the first time, the full story of Mr Vernon (Jerry) Blair and Mrs Maria Blair is detailed in the much anticipated new book. Forget all this UFO whistle-blower as you will only end up disappointed with it. Here we already have the eyewitness’s testimony on the record, and there is no close encounter case like it.
Publication date: September 1st 2023.

Pascagoula Documentary Filming Update

Pascagoula Documentary Filming Update

The new documentary on the 1973 Pascagoula encounter will be out later this year. Filming in the USA took place last September. Here is Calvin Parker (left) with the producer Piers Garland. Calvin was, of course, interviewed at length for the documentary, as were many other witnesses.

I would like to thank everyone who went on camera for this documentary, and as soon as I know when it will be ready and where it will be broadcast, I will let you know.

In the meantime, Dr. Irena Scott and Philip Mantel continue to look for more information and more witnesses to this event. If you have any info or were a witness, you can contact us in confidence directly by email at:

Pascagoula Documentary Update

Pascagoula Documentary Update

It’s been four years in the making, but at long last, the Pascagoula documentary that Dr. Irena Scott and I have been consulting on is finished. We originally began working on this in 2019, but then along came the Covid 19 Pandemic, and things came to a halt. Thankfully the UK production company that we had been working with kept their interest in the project and eventually visited the USA last year to film wide-ranging interviews. These of course, included Calvin Parker, his wife Waynett, Eddie Hickson (the son of the late Charles Hickson), and an excellent cross-section of independent first-hand eyewitnesses. Of course, the production company has also accessed vintage film clips and interviews from 1973 when the Pascagoula encounter took place, and we have the first-ever screening of two regressive hypnosis sessions, one with Calvin Parker and the other with one of the other witnesses to these events. Dr. Scott was interviewed last year in the USA, and I traveled to London on Friday, April 14th to film my contribution.
Now it’s down to the production company and the producer Piers Garland to bring it all together. As yet, we don’t have a title for this documentary nor a date of when or where it will be screened. As soon as I have all these details, I will let you know.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the producer Piers Garland (pictured here on the right with yours truly on Friday), and everyone at the production company for sticking with this project. On top of that, a big thank you to my colleague Dr. Irena Scott for all the work she has done on this case. My biggest thanks do of course, go to Calvin Parker and all the others who made themselves available for an interview. Calvin is not in the best of health and I just hope that this documentary stands as a testimony to him and Charles Hickson and their remarkable close encounter.

This year will be the 50th anniversary of the Pascagoula encounter, and as well as the documentary, there will be a graphic novel written by Martin Powell and illustrated by Jason Gleaves. There will also be the book co-authored by myself and Dr. Irena Scott entitled ‘BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT – The Pascagoula Alien Abduction.’
Thankfully it’s all coming together as planned.

The Closest Encounter Graphic Novel April 23 Release Date

The Closest Encounter Graphic Novel April 23 Release Date

UFO: The Closest Encounter Graphic Novel Finished, April 23 Release Date

Based on Calvin Parker’s autobiography, published by veteran Ufologist Philip Mantle, recounting Calvin’s legendary UFO Encounter in Pascagoula, Mississippi, during October 1973. Today it’s considered possibly the most documented case of UFO Abduction on record.

This is an authorized volume written with Calvin’s cooperation, marking the 50th Anniversary of the event itself.

Written by Martin Powell, illustrated by Jason Gleaves, and to be published by Moonstone Books.

140 pages, 7” x 10”, b/w
To Tell The Truth TV Show

To Tell The Truth TV Show

Pascagoula, close encounter witness, Charles Hickson appeared on the game show TO THE THE TRUTH on January 25th, 1974 . The panel of guests asked questions and picked him out.


Alien Abductions with Abby Hornacek

Alien Abductions with Abby Hornacek

Coming this August on FOX NATION. One of these episodes features Calvin Parker and several other witnesses to the events in Pascagoula in 1973. Aliens are coming this August on Fox Nation.

Abby Hornacek travels the country engaging with people and places connected to mysterious reports of alien abduction.
Approximately two-thirds of Americans believe that intelligent life on other planets exists, while few see UFOs as a major national security threat, according to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.

But if most Americans accept the premise that the beings on Earth aren’t the only intelligent life form – yet we claim not to consider the idea threatening – what exactly makes the occasional visit from aliens so intriguing, if not absolutely terrifying?
Fox Nation’s Abby Hornacek embarks on a mission to find out exactly that in her new 6-part series, ‘Alien Abductions,’ where she’ll travel the country engaging with people and places connected to mysterious reports of alien abduction.

TV Documentary Series

TV Documentary Series

Plans are now underway for a brand new TV documentary series on the 1973 Pascagoula alien encounter that featured Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson. Dr. Irena Scott and I have worked tirelessly on this case for the last few years and we have uncovered a great deal of new information and a whole host of new first-hand eyewitnesses have also stepped forward. There is a long list of people that we would like to interview and we still have others coming forward. Next year is the 50th anniversary of this encounter so there will be a new book and a graphic novel out as well as this documentary series.

New Book “Beyond Reasonable Doubt – The Pascagoula Alien Abduction”

New Book “Beyond Reasonable Doubt – The Pascagoula Alien Abduction”

Many of you will know that Dr. Irena Scott and Philip Mantel have been diligently researching and investigating the 1973 alien abduction case in Pascagoula, Mississippi in which the late Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker were involved. They have already published some of their work on this but next year, the 50th anniversary of the encounter will see us publish all of our findings in a brand-new book. They are both of the opinions that although controversial, Their new book will be ground-breaking in many ways, and it will no doubt be the subject of much debate by believers and skeptics alike. Without sounding big-headed, it is our opinion that this new book will be a significant addition to the UFO literature.

In the meantime, Dr. Scott and Philip continue to work on this case and two new witnesses have just stepped forward this last week. If you have any information, documentation, or if you were a witness to these events then please Philip directly on email at:

Eddie Hickson Interview

Eddie Hickson Interview

Dr. Irena Scott and Philip Mantle have continued their research into the 1973 Pascagoula alien encounter case involving the late Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker. All their work will be published in a new book next year, the 50th anniversary of the event in question.  Just last week Dr. Scott interviewed Eddie Hickson, the son of the late Charles Hickson. Eddie was not of course a witness to the events in 1973. What we wanted to ask Eddie is how this encounter had affected his father down the years. We know it had a very detrimental effect on Calvin Parker and we interviewed Calvin’s wife Waynette in order to obtain an up-close and personal perspective on this. Mr. Hickson’s wife has passed away, so we took the opportunity to interview his son Eddie.


July 29th; New Pascagoula Book up-date

The first draft of the new book Philip Mantel has been working on with Dr Irena Scott is now done. Irena has gone over most of the chapters. The book will be published next year. Still quite a way to go and still looking for any new info on the Pascagoula case of 1973.

Jan 14th; Calvin Parker is interviewed for a new TV series “UFO Witness” on discovery+ and appears in episode #6


Nov 25th; Case Update & Graphic Novel In The Works

Calvin Parker Graphic Novel ArtworkWhen it comes to the Pascagoula case involving Calvin Parker & Charles Hickson nothing surprises me anymore. Thanks to my colleagues Dr. Irena Scott and Douglas Wilson we have managed to track down and interview a whole host of independent eyewitnesses. Dr. Scott interviewed another witness just recently.
As I’ve mentioned before the movie screenplay is all but ready but now something else has come our way. We now have an offer (subject to contract) to work on a graphic novel based on Calvin Parker’s two books. This graphic novel will be written by Martin Powell in the USA, the artwork will be produced by Jason Gleaves in the UK and Calvin Parker and I will write an introduction and provide any additional material not covered in the books.
I have to be honest and say that I’ve always thought that Calvin’s story would make a great graphic novel and with Martin Powell writing it and Jason Gleaves illustrating it I have no doubt it will. A sample of Jason’s artwork is above. ~ Philip Mantel

Oct 21st; Most Anticipated Alien Abduction Movie Since Fire In The Sky

The screenplay now appears completed and ready to go according to publisher Philip Mantle.

Oct 12th; Pascagoula Screenplay Up-date
It would seem that a lot of people are interested in where we are with the screenplay that is based on the Calvin Parker encounter in Pascagoula, Mississippi 1973. What I can say is that the screenplay is complete and has been given the green light by Calvin himself. I personally have read it all and despite my bias I honestly believe that when made (not if) it will be a real blockbuster. Obviously, there is still a long way to go before it ends up in production and things have been slowed down a great deal because of the Covid19 pandemic. What I would respectfully like to ask is for anyone interested in the progress of this project not to ask either myself or Calvin any direct questions. The reason is that at the moment all we can tell you is that the screenplay is complete. Once we have more news and are allowed to divulge it then be rest assured that we will. ~ Philip Mantel

July 3rd; NEW PASCAGOULA BOOK BY Dr. Irena Scott, Expected Release Date 2021

Beyond Pascagoula - The Rest of The Amazing Story

FLYING DISK PRESS has just received the first draft of the new book by Irena Scott PhD. This new book is called: BEYOND PASCAGOULA – THE REST OF THE AMAZING STORY AND PROOF. This will be the 4th book Flying Disk Press has published by Dr. Scott.

“Amazing things happened elsewhere at the same time as the Pascagoula abduction.” ~ Dr. Irena Scott


Michael W. Hall, J.D., President of the Academy’s “Board of Governors,” announces, “The Academy is proud to honor CALVIN PARKER and (posthumously) his fellow Abductee/Experiencer, CHARLES HICKSON, with “The 2020 HISTORICAL EXPERIENCER AWARD. Calvin, who will accept his ‘Academy Award’ via Skype from Pascagoula, Mississippi (and on Charles Hickson’s behalf), has been stalwart in his life-long dedication to telling his remarkable story with unabashed, straight-forward voracity, never wavering from the facts as he experienced them.” Says Hall, “Calvin and Charles, along with their fellow historical UFO abductee/experiencer, TRAVIS WALTON, serve as shining examples to all, of ordinary people who have had extraordinary, unexplainable ‘Experiences,’ and then have devoted their lives to bringing about “Disclosure” regarding the “Truth” about UFOs and the potential “Extraterrestrial Alien Presence” on our planet, to everyone who will listen with an open and discerning analytical mind.”

February 27th;  Sermon about Pascagoula Alien Abduction

Sermon about Pascagoula Alien Abduction

On October 11, 1973, two Pascagoula fishermen claimed to have been abducted by aliens. The abductees, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, reported the abduction to Jackson County police officers. After questioning the men, the police officers left Parker and Hickson in the room alone. The two men discussed the incident not knowing that the tape recorder was still running. The recording provides a glimpse into their state of mind after the incident. Within 24 hours of the abduction, reporters who had heard about the possible abduction requested interviews with the men. Because of his experiences, Dick Cavett asked Hickson to appear on his show.

The public interest in the case created excitement and fear in many people. Rev. Bill Riddick, founder, and pastor at the Ocean Springs Baptist Church in Ocean Springs, MS, claimed to have received information about the abduction that had not been distributed to the community. In his sermon on October 14, 1973, he used this information and the coverage of the case to address his thoughts on the role of aliens in religion. This sermon was recorded and distributed on LP records. Special Collections has a copy of the album with the cover that provides information about the abduction and Rev. Riddick.

This album is available for use in Special Collections located on the 3rd floor of McCain Library & Archives at the University of Southern Mississippi

February 25th; Fleetwood Mac Song ‘Hypnotized’ Inspired By The Parker & Hickson Close Encounter In Pascagoula In 1973.
It is just amazing to find that what was almost a forgotten close encounter case made such an impression and continues to do so today. Take a listen to ‘Hypnotized’ by Fleetwood Mac. A song largely inspired by the events on the Pascagoula River on October 11 1973.

“Hypnotized” was a song about the possibility of a visit from alien life from the album Mystery to Me.”
“Those two guys in Pascagoula, Mississippi, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker had just reported on a major UFO encounter, and it was all over the TV for a while. Part of that went into ‘Hypnotized.’ Mick copied my Maestro Rhythm Machine part for ‘Hypno’ almost exactly … Mick’s sense of tempo, in this day before drum machines, was almost perfect … ‘Hypnotized’ was primarily inspired by [Carlos] Castaneda’s books, the Hickson Pascagoula UFO sighting, some stories told to me by friends, and some personal experiences.” Read More

Fleetwood Mac Song ‘Hypnotized’ Inspired By The Parker & Hickson Close Encounter In Pascagoula In 1973.

January 27th; UFO Encounter Magazine Article “Pascagoula – the story continues” is out.
To order a copy or for more information please visit;

UFO Encounter Issue #308

January 21st; Calvin’s story of meeting the late Lt Col Jesse Marcel (Article)
I have to say that there has been a great deal of interest in Calvin Parker’s revelation that he met and talked three times with the late Lt Col Jesse Marcel (USAF retired). Of course, we all know that Mr. Marcel was Major Marcel back in 1947 at Roswell and he was the first military person on site of the alleged UFO crash. Calvin Parker met Lt Col Marcel in the 1980’s not long before he passed away. What he told Calvin Parker will all be revealed shortly. Could Calvin Parker be the last person outside of the Marcel family that the late Lt Col Marcel talked to about the events in 1947? All I can say is that interest has come in from a variety of places and interest is this story continues to grow. ~ Philip Mantle

January 20th; Calvin’s story of meeting the late Lt Col Jesse Marcel (Article)
In the early 1980’s close encounter witness Calvin Parker met the late Lt Col Jesse Marcel (USAF retired) three times while working in the oil industry in Louisiana. Calvin has never revealed the contents of these three conversations until now. This exclusive article by Calvin Parker will feature exclusively in the next issue of Outer Limits Magazine. Subscribe and be informed. Issue Available Feb 1st.

Outer Limits Magazine Issue #24

January 15th; Alien Contact – The Pascagoula UFO Encounter (Documentary)
Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson were abducted by Aliens in 1973. The incident made headline news around the world yet like many reported UFO encounters skips into the ether and is forgotten over time. This case, however, now takes the forefront decades later as new eyewitnesses have emerged to tell the story and confirm the horrifying encounter actually happened on that October night in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Hear the true story from the lone survivor, Calvin Parker, and the shocking details that have never before been exposed until now. This is the Alien abduction case that will change your mind about the Alien presence on Earth. Consultants Dr. Irena Scott and Philip Mantle

Watch Now on AppleTV, iTunes, Google Play, XBox, Redbox, and Vudu.

Alien Contact - The Pascagoula UFO Encounter

January 11th; New Witness Interviewed
Philip Mantle & Douglas Wilson (MUFON) have interviewed a new, independent first-hand eyewitness to the events in and around the Pascagoula, Mississippi area in Oct/Nov 1973. We will be publishing this account in full in due course. We always knew that there were other witnesses to these events and we are still looking for more. If you were a witness you can contact me in confidence via a private message on facebook or direct on email at:


December 23rd; The German language edition of Calvin Parker’s first book ‘Pascagoula – The Closest Encounter’ is now on sale.

“Another early Christmas gift. I have literally just spoken on the phone to a gentleman in the USA. He is yet another witness to events in Pascagoula in Oct/Nov 1973. He was working at Ingalls shipyard building a ship so he was quite high up. He and three others saw 6 metallic-silver objects the size of a mini-van under the water below them in the river. Arrangements are being made to conduct a longer interview but this is yet another addition to the extraordinary events that took place in and around Pascagoula, Mississippi in October/November 1973. The main event was of course the close encounter event on October 11th 1973 with Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson.” -Philip Mantle

Decemeber 20th; Weird Obscure World Podcast In 1973 Calvin was abducted while fishing on the Pascagoula River. He was very gracious to come on and tell us the story.

December 4th; Midnight in Kentucky Podcast “In Conversation with Calvin Parker”
Forty six years and two books later, we sit down with Calvin to discuss the multitude of witnesses that have come forward since to say they saw the craft that took the two fishermen, what he learned from Betty Hill, why he chose to give his account to the public so long after his experience, talk about his further encounters with the enigmatic entities that took him from Pascagoula in ‘73, and much, much more!

November 22nd; Night Dreams Talk Radio 
Calvin Parker Alien Abductee! Irena Scott Talking about UFO’s and much more!

November 16th; Into The Parabnormal with Jeremy Scott
We relive the 1973 Pascagoula River abduction with experiencer Calvin Parker, researchers Philip Mantle and Stefanos Panagiotakis, along with singer-songwriter Johnny Cobb.

Into The Parabnormal

October 28th; Bubba Truth Meets Calvin Parker of the Pascagoula UFO Abduction

Episode 47 – Beyond Pascagoula: An Interview with Calvin Parker

The Unbelievers Podcast

Tonight we return to Pascagoula, Mississippi for the epic third and final installment of our Pascagoula Wrinkly Alien Trilogy with this EXCLUSIVE coverage of the 1st Annual “Beyond Pascagoula” UFO Festival! TIRBS members Rus Ryan and Michael Eadie venture across state lines to the first annual festival and meet the man himself, Calvin Parker to discuss his new book, the events that happened on that legendary night, as well as some never before heard insight on The Pascagoula Wrinkly Alien Experience from the man who experienced it himself, Calvin Parker!

This was a fun interview my wife also enjoyed her first interview she did a great job and enjoyed it” ~ Calvin Parker

October 20th; BLACK WATER – BLUE MOON (The Calvin Parker Story)

Johnny Cobb & Jerry McCoy

Over the past two years, the alien abduction encounter in Pascagoula in 1973 has emerged from the depths where it was almost forgotten to be the best-documented case of its kind in the world. Two books have been written by Calvin Parker: ‘Pascagoula – The Closest Encounter’ and ‘Pascagoula – The Story Continues’. Because of these books, a whole raft of new information has been uncovered including documentation, photographs, hypnosis tapes and a plethora of first-hand eyewitnesses. Calvin Parker has appeared at UFO conventions and on TV and podcasts around the world. His books are now published in a number of different languages with more to follow. Now a full-blown two hour TV documentary is being planned and the fourth draft of a movie screenplay is just about ready. And to top it all two world-class musicians in the USA have written and recorded a song inspired by the Calvin Parker story. BLACK WATER – BLUE MOON (The Calvin Parker Story) has been written and recorded by Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter Johnny Cobb and master guitarist Jerry McCoy. Please support the artists by purchasing a personal copy to enjoy.

October 9th; “I am pleased to announce that we have been working with musicians and songwriters Johnny Cobb and Jerry McCoy on a song entitled “Black Water – Blue Moon”. This is of course based on Calvin Parker’s abduction account. The title comes from a saying that “When you have black water and a blue moon in Pascagoula, strange things happen.” We would like to thank Johnny and Jerry for writing this song which I know is not that far from completion and we can’t wait to hear it.” – Philip Mantle

October 7th; Calvin will be on Paranormal Dimensions with David Young “Regression Special”

October 6th; Calvin will be on The Paracast with Gene and Randall

The Paracast Logo

Gene and Randall present a return visit by UFO abductee Calvin Parker, one of the two men who claim to have been abducted by a UFO in Pascagoula, Mississippi on the evening of October 11, 1973. Parker and a friend, Charles Hickson, claimed that they were “conscious but paralyzed” while three “creatures” took them aboard an oval-shaped  craft and subjected them to an examination before releasing them. Parker has written two books about the encounter, the first “Pascagoula — The Closest Encounter: My Story,” and the second, “Pascagoula – The Story Continues: New Evidence & New Witnesses.” Both are published by Philip Mantle. The second book also includes transcripts of hypnotic regressions of Parker that were conducted by Budd Hopkins and Kathleen Marden.

October 5th; Calvin will be on Coast to Coast AM with Paul Hynek and Deep Prasad “Pascagoula Encounter / Tic Tac UFOs”

Coast to Coast AM Logo

Research has continued in the ‘close encounter’ experienced by Calvin Parker on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi on the night of October 11th, 1973. Parker, along with UFO researcher Paul Hynek, joins George Knapp to discuss the ‘smoking gun’ known as the ‘puncture wound’ document located in the files of APRO, possibly confirming that Parker was ‘injected’ that night by the creatures that abducted him. They will also discuss an independent eyewitness who was on the opposite side of the river that night who put his testimony on the record stating that he too saw the ‘humanoids’ and the UFO taking off.

October 1st; Calvin will be on Fade To Black with Jimmy Church “Pascagoula – The Closest Encounter”

F2B with Jimmy Church

On October 11, 1973, nineteen-year-old Calvin Parker and his friend, forty-two-year-old Charles Hickson, were fishing on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. In the early evening, both men were startled to witness a strange craft descend and hover a few yards away.

This became one of the biggest close encounters in history, known as The Pascagoula Event.

Calvin Parker, seriously disturbed by these events, has largely remained in the background without ever detailing the full account of what happened that night, how it affected him and his life, and other close encounters he has experienced down the years, but has recently decided to tell his story in full tonight on FADE to BLACK.

October 1st; Calvin’s new book is available everywhere, Order It Here!
Pascagoula - The Story Continues: New Evidence & New Witnesses Logo

September 21st; “PASCAGOULA – THE STORY CONTINUES” New Evidence & New Witnesses by CALVIN PARKER

This book is the continuing research into the ‘close encounter’ event experienced by Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson on the Pascagoula River, Mississippi on the night of October 11th, 1973. It follows-on from Calvin Parker’s first and best-selling book ‘Pascagoula – The Closest Encounter’. After the first book was published the research did not stop, in fact, it intensified. This book will feature the ‘smoking gun’ document known as the ‘puncture wound’ document which was located in the files of APRO. Does this one-page type-written document confirm that both Hickson and Parker were ‘injected’ that night by the creatures that abducted them? The book also has six transcripts of hypnosis sessions with both Parker and Hickson. The first is Calvin Parker under hypnosis literally just three days after the encounter. The second hypnosis session is with Budd Hopkins in 1993. The third hypnosis session is with Kathleen Marden on September 14th, 2019.

There are three transcripts of hypnosis sessions with the late Charles Hickson. They are from 1974, 1985 and 1989, the latter two again with Budd Hopkins. If you don’t like reading hypnosis transcripts then this book might not be for you.

The book also details for the very first time an array of first-hand eyewitnesses to UFOs in and around Pascagoula and elsewhere in Mississippi that night back in 1973. Published here for the first time are details from a first-hand independent eye-witness who was on the opposite side of the river that night. This witness puts his testimony on the record stating that he too saw the ‘humanoids’ and also witnessed the UFO taking off.

Last but not least, the author rounds the book off with an emotional look back at what has happened to him and the official unveiling of a historic marker unveiled by the Mayor in commemoration of what happened to Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker on October 11th, 1973. Like the previous book, this one also utilizes an array of photographs, artwork, news cuttings, UFO magazine articles, letters, and documents both old and new. Pascagoula-The Story Continues sheds yet more light onto one of ufology’s best document alien abduction accounts. This book also has a foreword by the veteran UK UFO researcher Philip Mantle, and an afterword by US scientist, UFO researcher and author Dr. Irena Scott.


“The last hypnosis transcript has been completed. Calvin Parker went under regressive hypnosis with Kathleen Marden on September 14th. The full transcript plus a whole lot more new information will be in Calvin Parker’s new book ‘Pascagoula – The Story Continues’ which I will publish shortly. I am going to make the bold statement now that this case IS THE BEST DOCUMENTED ALIEN ABDUCTION ACCOUNT ON RECORD. Here is a photo from the book. Calvin under hypnosis with Kathleen Marden seated beside him.” – Philip Mantle

Calvin Parker Regressive Hypnosis with Kathleen Marden (09-14-2019)

Calvin Parker Regressive Hypnosis with Kathleen Marden (09-14-2019)


“During the last 10 days, things have taken a dramatic turn with regards to the 1973 Pascagoula case involving Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson (deceased). First of all, one of the first-hand eye-witnesses who was on the opposite side of the Pascagoula River that night has now gone on the record for the first time stating that he saw one of ‘grey humanoids’ depart back across the river and that he also saw the UFO take off and move away at high speed. Previously he had only admitted to seeing the blue light over the opposite side of the river. This is a very significant development.

The second and very significant thing to happen took place on Saturday the 14th of September. This saw Calvin Parker go under regressive hypnosis again. This time the person conducting the regression was none other tan Kathleen Marden. The hypnosis session went very well, and I will transcribe it as fast as I can.

Both the eye-witness testimony and the hypnosis transcript will be in Calvin Parker’s new book ‘Pascagoula – The Story Continues’ which I aim to publish shortly.” – Philip Mantle (Order It Here!)

September 12th; Calvin Parker has been filming with Scripps Television these last two days both in his house and out and about on the river. They are looking at how his close encounter effected him and the town of Pascagoula.

Filming with Scripps Television (09/10/19)

Filming with Scripps Television (09/10/19)

“I would not live nowhere else. The people here have treated me so well this town is really growing and turning into a great place. I noticed yesterday while we were out filming the Mayor was study working and doing his job taking care of business. That not hard to see just look around at the new industry coming. It was such an honor for me to be with the people I was with yesterday Rebecca Davis appointed me with a liaison Caroline Bishop also had the Mayor wife screenplay writer Spencer King the boat captain and the film crew from Scripps witch is a major news station this trip show the world what a great place Pascagoula has become. I have been back and forth here all my life. I am seeing changes all for the better Every day” ~ Calvin Parker

September 6th; Paul Hynek & Calvin Parker on Pascagoula Incident

‘Pascagoula The Story Continues – New Witnesses & New Evidence’.

Pascagoula The Story Continues – New Witnesses & New Evidence

I am pleased to announce that later this year we will see the second book from Calvin Parker. Initially, Calvin wanted to see a revised edition of his first book ‘Pascagoula-The Closest Encounter’ published. Once we began work on this it soon became clear that there was imply too much new information to hand that our only choice was to write a second book. This new, second book will be entitled ‘Pascagoula The Story Continues – New Witnesses & New Evidence’. This new book will feature brand new information provided by a number of new eyewitnesses to this event on October 11th, 1973 in and around Pascagoula, Mississippi. It will also feature three transcripts of hypnosis sessions with the late Charles Hickson made in 1974, 1985 and 1989. The latter two hypnosis sessions were conducted by Budd Hopkins and the one in 1974 was conducted by Dr. James Harder and Dr. Leo Sprinkle. This new book will also look at the fascinating ‘puncture wounds’ document and the unveiling of the historic marker in Pascagoula in June of 2019. Again, the book will feature a wide variety of photographs and documents. Like the first book, this second one is one not to be missed.

August 28th; Philip has been busy yet again working on Calvin Parker’s second book. If you don’t like transcripts of hypnosis sessions then this book may not be for you. Just to give you an idea of what I’m talking about I have transcribed two hypnosis sessions between Charles Hickson and Budd Hopkins. The book should be finished soon.

August 15th; Calvin Parker’s new book ‘Pascagoula – The Story Continues: New Evidence & New Witnesses’ has just gone to the proofreader. I’m not sure exactly when I will publish this book and will have to consult with Calvin first. All I can say is that it will make a great addition to your UFO library.

“The first book is just the beginning the 2nd one tells more about how my life has changed for the better .I have meant some great people through this experience the one thing I regret is not talking about it earlier in my life. I realize the older a person gets the closer they come to not waking up one morning. I really fill this story needed to be told now even though I was more less forced into doing but now have no regrets Thank you Philip” ~ Calvin Parker

August 9th; We have just come across some more hand-written notes made by the late Dr. James Harder dated 14th October 1973. The notes discuss his first meeting with Charles Hickson & Calvin Parker the day before and his attempts at hypnosis. These notes, and much more, of course, will be in Calvin Parker’s new book ‘Pascagoula – The Story Continues’ which I will publish as soon as possible. If anyone out there has any info on the Pascagoula case please drop me an email at:


September 2nd; The 8 mm movie film from Mississippi has arrived today (at Philip Mantle’s office.) This is from a witness who saw and filmed a UFO just a few days after the Parker & Hickson encounter in Pascagoula. The witness filmed it near St Elmo’s Airfield in Alabama. I will be surprised if it has any images on it, but at least the witness has done what he said he would do. It is going straight off to be digitized and whatever happens, the results will be in Calvin Parker’s new book.

August 26th; Philip Mantle interviewed by telephone a gentleman in the USA who had filmed a UFO on his 88 mm movie camera. He filmed this not far from Pascagoula ( in Alabama) and it was just a few days after the Parker & Hickson encounter. Well, the gentleman in question has managed to locate this 8 mm film reel and it should be on its way to me later today. I can only hope that it was not too badly damaged when it got stuck in the projector back in 1973. Here is a photo was taken earlier today. The 8 mm film is labeled ‘UFO’ and its owner is also trying to draw the UFO that he and his wife observed.

Mr Savell Draws the UFO & Holds the 8MM Film Marked 'UFO'

Mr. Savell Draws the UFO & Holds the 8MM Film Marked ‘UFO’

May 5th; UFO News Network Sunday “Calvin Parker w/co-host Chant Hannah” Calvin Parker joins us to discuss the historic 1973 Pascagoula abduction case, the aftermath and his book, “Pascagoula – The Closest Encounter.”

Official Website of Calvin Parker and the Pascagoula Abduction Encounter

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