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A couple of weeks back Calvin Parker was sent a message on Facebook asking him to phone a gentleman by the name of Kenny Webb. Mr. Webb was now in his 80’s but had for a long time been a part-time musician performing in clubs and bars. He also served in the US Coast Guard and the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department. Mr. Webb has written and recorded many songs in his time but the one attached is what he wanted to make sure Calvin got a copy of. It’s called ‘THE PASCAGOULA UFO’ and yes, it is based completely on the alien abduction event of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker.

Mr. Webb actually has it on a vinyl record and you can hear the crackles on the attached recording. He didn’t want to part with the one copy of the vinyl that he has and had made a CD for Calvin with the song on. Calvin and his wife Waynett went to see Mr. Webb last week and he is quite a character.

This now makes six pieces of music that have been recorded or inspired by this encounter.

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