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USS Eldridge DE-173 (Logs)

USS Eldridge DE-173 (Logs)

00:00-04:00 Eldridge Still Moored Starboard side to Pier “J” Berth 17, New York Navy Yard, Brooklyn, NY. 06:30 Eldridge underway steering down the East River, down the New York Harbor. 08:05 Eldridge passed through the submarine net 08:20 Eldridge passed...

USS Eldridge DE-173

USS Eldridge DE-173 Moored Starboard side to Pier F, Berth 16, New York Navy Yard, Brooklyn NY. Receiving Fresh water, salt water, electricity, steam and telephone services. Ship being outfitted, with no ammunition an board. Moored till 00:04 October 1st. {16}
USS Eldridge DE-173

USS Eldridge DE-173

USS Eldridge DE-173 left Newark, and sailed to Brooklyn NY. S.S. Andrew Furuseth and Eldridge could have been within visual distance of each other, off  New Jersey.{1}

S.S. Andrew Furuseth

S.S. Andrew Furuseth sailed from Norfolk bound for Casablanca, North Africa. First time Carl Allen was aboard ship{1}
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