I am happy to announce that David Marler, Executive Director of the National UFO Historical Records Center in New Mexico has uncovered another unique audio tape featuring the 1973 Pascagoula alien abduction case which I and Dr Irena Scott have been working on for the last five years.
This latest discovery is a reel-to-reel tape donated to the NUFOHRC by the well-known UFO researcher and author Barry Greenwood. The Pascagoula item on this tape dates back to 1976 and is a brief interview with Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson and was to be used to conduct a voice stress analysis test. It is only a short recording of just over nine minutes and I will transcribe it in due course. I have had a quick look in my files on the Pascagoula case and I have already located a couple of mentions of Charles Hickson passing such a test but we will have to dig more to locate more information.
This audio tape, like the others located in the APRO files is yet another addition to our ever-growing list of historic recordings relating to the 1973 Pascagoula case.
I would like to thank Davin Marler for supplying us with a copy of this piece of ufological history and also Barry Greenwood for donating it in the first place.

2024-02-12 APRO Archives Pascagoula Tape Notes
By Philp Mantel