Website Update Log
Quick note; I spend a lot of time making sure everything is presented well (pictures all fit beside text and are sized to make text flow to the next section well, etc.) This website’s content is formatted for a browser window width of 1080px or larger for the best presentation. This list of changes does not include the nearly daily WordPress / Plugins / Theme updates that are installed and checked to make your experience as nice, smooth, and safe as possible. I feel Steven Spielberg’s pain now; when he said, “Every time I get on a plane and see people watching movies on their smartphones I want to cry.”
Note: Our website undergoes regular updates, edits, and new information. While it came to our attention that this particular page receives minimal traffic, we have decided to discontinue the practice of maintaining a running log of changes here. However, any significant updates, we will try and log it.
July / 2023
- Moved the site to dedicated hosting, and it’s now so much faster and easier to work on.
- Started cleaning up various pages.
December / 2022
- Lots of work on the new “Al Bielek Debunked” Section, about 75% done with many new pages added.
- Added “The Philadelphia Experiment: 60 Years Later” By Bill Knell
January / 2022
- Lots of work on the new “Al Bielek Debunked” Section, about 15% done
- Added An Interview with Al Bielek in 1997 This interview was conducted by Kenneth Burke at the Global Sciences Congress, Daytona Beach, Florida in August 1997
- Added An Interview with Al Bielek 1989 Al Bielek at the UFO-NEW AGE CONFERENCE in Phoenix, Arizona, September 1989
- Added An Interview with Al Bielek 1992 Interview with Al Bielek Conducted by Susanne Konicov
November / 2020
- This website continues to get regular updates, after seeing no one really ever looks at this page I stopped to keep a running log of changes.
- There is going to be some additions over the next month and more sections added for your enjoyment.
July 21th~25th / 2019
- Added some new pages to cover the Calvin Parker – Pascagoula UFO Abduction Event;
- Calvin Parker – Book Signing Information about how to get a Signed copy of his book and next appearance.
- Calvin Parker – Photo Gallery Various pictures from conventions and book signings
July 18th~20th / 2019
- Stared working on a new section Calvin Parker – Pascagoula UFO Abduction I plan on this being a bit bigger and it will be Calvin Parker’s Official Website I purchased www,calvin-parker.com and www.PascagoulaUFO.com to take you directly to this new section.
June 16th / 2019
- Continued work on the new section The SS Ourang Medan in the “Other Mysteries” Menu.
- Added some suggested podcasts and a button to search for more
- Added two more items to the News and Press section.
June 11th / 2019
- Continued work on the section The SS Ourang Medan in the “Other Mysteries” Menu.
- Added information on the Japanese biological warfare Unit 731, and a image.
- Fixed some footnote linking.
June 1st / 2019
- Added a new article “Morris Ketchum Jessup as a Fortean” by Joshua Buhs.
- A detailed life and history of M.K. Jessup, very good artical and it was great to get permission to share it.
May 31st / 2019
- Added more events and media to the Dr? Morris K. Jessup Timeline of events
- Added a few more events and media to the Timeline of Events section
- Added a smaller horizontal version of the Timeline of Events to the A Matter of Time section
- It was such a large project to make the timeline I thought it would also be nice to include it also in this section
May 30th / 2019
- Added navigation links to the Project Rainbow section
- Changes to the Dr? Morris K. Jessup section
- Started adding a timeline of events (still many dates to add)
- Added dates to the books Jessup Published on the
May 29th / 2019
- Changes to the The UFO Connection section
- Added a short story from Bryce Zabel about Naval Intelligence officers showing up to talk to him about his TV Series “Dark Skies”
May 27th / 2019
- Fixed three broken links all 575+ links on the site are tested and work now
- Added a few more story links to The UFO Connection section
May 26th / 2019
- Updated the quality of some and added a few new pictures to Andrews Scrapbook Gallery
May 23rd / 2019
- Started a new section Philadelphia Experiment Art
- Just getting the page layout and everything ready
- Added around eight movie posters so far
May 21st / 2019
- Added a quote from Carl Allen to the Effects of the Experiment on the Crew section
- Some slight cleanup and some more linking added to the Navy’s Official FAQ on the Philadelphia Experiment section
May 20th / 2019
- Added a new Press opportunity to the News & Press section
- Wargaming Inc. contacted me to be a VIP in their “World of Warships Anchors Away Tour.”
- Continued work on the new section “Was There a Project Rainbow?“
May 19th / 2019
- Started a new section “Was There a Project Rainbow?”
- Covering the alleged project name in detail.
- Added five more movie posters to “The Philadelphia Experiment” The Movies section
- Added a rare find to the Carl Allen Gallery section
- Carl Allen’s WWII Draft Registration Card
May 18th / 2019
- Added a few more images to the Ships of the Experiment section
- Added more text to the Dr? Morris K. Jessup section
- Added a nice find to The Varo Edition section
- a letter dated April 1st, 1959, Austin N. Stanton of Varo Manufacturing personally sent out a copy of “The Varo Edition” to Colonel Edward J. Ruppelt.
- Began working again on Further Research & Downloads section
- Added a link to “The Philadelphia Experiment” By Charles Berlitz, William Moore Translated to Farsi / Persian by Amirali Rustrow)
- Added a new link to a great artical on Jessup’s History.
May 17th / 2019
- Work on all page descriptions to help reach more people
May 15th / 2019
- Added more content to the Navy’s Official FAQ on the Philadelphia Experiment
- Added the Eldridge (DE-173) short history from the Naval History and Heritage Command site
May 9th / 2019
- Added information about Duncan Cameron’s death to The Montauk Project: Stranger Times section
May 1st ~ 4th / 2019
- Added new Podcasts section to the Photos/Video/Audio menu;
- Quality Podcasts about the Philadelphia Experiment
- Other Podcasts / Episodes I feel are very good
April 28th / 2019
- Continued to work on updating the The UFO Connection section
- Added some section heading and moved some paragraphs around to make it flow better.
April 27th / 2019
- Started to work on updating the The UFO Connection section;
- Added lots of news articles / sites about the Navy involvement with UFO’s
April 12th / 2019
- Added a newspaper clipping to The Varo Edition section;
- Lincoln Journal Star Tue Apr 5th, 1960 “Varo Manufacturing creating a Ray Gun”
April 7th / 2019
- Added a research paper to the Did The PX Involve Einstein’s Unified Field Theory? section
- “The Einstein unified field theory completed” A direct challenge to the basic assumptions, theories and direction of modern and post-modern physics by James E. Beichler
- Added a few more Hyperlinks to the main landing page to pages in the site
April 6th / 2019
- continued work on the Ufology Research Links section
April 2nd / 2019
- Added an image and some info on the Memorial Soviet Seamen in Liinakhamari which keeps coming up again and again in fake news stories saying Proof the PX is Real!
April 1st / 2019
- Effects of the Experiment on the Crew – added a paragraph about a seaman that served with Carl Allen
- Other small text additions to a few pages
March 23rd / 2019
- Added a new section called APRO – Allende Letters A Hoax
- Contains pages from the original article in the 1969 A.P.R.O. Bulletin, July-August edition recounting the story of Carl Allen confessing it was all a Hoax.
March 22nd / 2019
- Added a new section called Ufology Research Links to give a list of quality UFO Related websites
- Removed the list of Ufology Related Websites from the Further Research & Downloads section
- More Ufology links then before
March 19th / 2019
- Consistency of Style in section headings and replaced the blaw Arial font on all pages, already over 2.5hrs into the project.
- Identified a few sections that could use more media to break up walls of text to be worked on in the future.
March 18th / 2019
- Started to update the News and Press section
- Added some info on upcoming Radio Show
- Added some press items
- Removed some old news
- Added Three Pages of the Eldridges Official history to the section Navy’s Official FAQ on the Philadelphia Experiment So more of the official record is with the Navy’s FAQ
March 17th / 2019
- Added new section Navy’s Official FAQ on the Philadelphia Experiment
- A copy of the two pages the Navy fires out to anyone asking questions about the PX.
- Added a image of Jacques F. Vallee & His signature to the Anatomy of a Hoax: The Philadelphia Experiment 50 Years Later section.
March 16th / 2019
- More work on The Nazi Bell (Die Glocke) section
- A trip report to the Henge provided by Gerold Schelm
March 10th / 2019
- Added another photo to the Eldridge crew amused by “Philadelphia Experiment”
- Added some text to Questioning Their “Story”
- About Al and I being scheduled to be on “Dan Aykroyd’s Out There.”
March 1st / 2019
- Stared working again on The Nazi Bell (Die Glocke) section
- Added more media and text
February 21~28th / 2019
- Continued work on the new section The SS Ourang Medan in the “Other Mysteries” Menu.
- Added a nice timeline to help visually order the events in the story.
- Added more media and text
February 18~20th / 2019
- Continued work on the new section The SS Ourang Medan in the “Other Mysteries” Menu.
- Text is greatly expanded, added more media
February 17th / 2019
- Started a new section The SS Ourang Medan in the “Other Mysteries” Menu. Items in this menu will be fleshed out more over time, right now they are ideas to see if there is any interest.
January 12th / 2019
- Added more links to the Further Research section and a clip from the new Bob Lazar Documentary
January 5th / 2019
- Added Media to “The Philadelphia Experiment” In Popular Culture Section
- Henhouse Brewing Company Philadelphia Experiment Beer Can
January 3th / 2019
- Stared a new section The Nazi Bell (Die Glocke)
- It’s super basic right now as im only starting my research into it.
December 6th / 2018
- Added some text and media to The UFO Connection Section, just stating to update it now.
October 27th / 2018
- Added New article by David J. Halperin “Almost As If She Vanished” with some new research into Michael Ann Dunn to complement the article.
- Added another of Carl’s alias’s “Dr. Karl Merditt Allenstein” and where he used it to the Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or.. section
October 21st / 2018
- Added a high resolution scan of M.K. Jessup’s Death Certificate replacing the lower res copy on the “Dr? Morris K. Jessup” section, added more text
- Added two samples of the Carl Allen letters from the Varo Edition to The The Carl Allen Letters section
- Added some samples of The Varo Edition to The Varo Edition section
October 20th / 2018
- Added some media to The Montauk Project: Stranger Times section, Picture of Al Bielek, Video interview from 2014 with Preston Nichols
- Added more information to The Montauk Project – Questioning Their Story section
October 19th / 2018
- Added information to The Montauk Project: Stranger Times section; more sources showing Beilek had clearly known about the PX before all his “memories” came back
- Added information to The Montauk Project – Questioning Their Story section in regards to the above.
October 14th / 2018
- Added “Was Bielek Even In The Navy” to The Montauk Project – Questioning Their Story section
October 10th / 2018
- Added information to The Montauk Project: Stranger Times section about Preston Nichols recently passing away on Friday, October 5, 2018 at 4am.
July 24th / 1018
- Added a quote from an author to The Montauk Project – Questioning Their Story section
July 22nd / 1018
- Added a strip of Common Montauk Myths to the side of the main article on The Montauk Project – Questioning Their Story section
- Added some media to liven up the The Montauk Project – Evaluating A Labyrinth section
July 21st / 2018
- Added some historical dates from the Hellenic Navy to the Death of a Legend section
- Added link to the Further Research section
May 26th / 2018
- Added my own research on Edward Allen Dudgeon and added a picture of the crew list of the USS Engstrom (DE-50) to the end of the section; Anatomy of a Hoax: The Philadelphia Experiment 50 Years Later
May 23th / 2018
- Added more internal linking / references to other sections on various pages
May 19th / 2018
- Added over five new images to my Scrapbook page and fixed the captions on most.
May 18th / 2018
- Added a new section called “Invisibility News and Links” for any news articles published on invisibility research
April 15th / 2018
- Added book cover to add some media to The Invisible Ship Experiment
March 23th / 2018
- Added a new Article; Jessup, Allen, and the “Mary Celeste”
- by David J. Halperin’s
March 11th / 2018
- Added a Twitter page for updates; twitter.com/InvisibilityExp
March 3rd / 2018
- Added a three more pages to the USS Eldridge (DE-173) War Diary (Microfilm) and Other Historical Documents section.
- Added some more inter site linking to reference other pages of interest while reading.
March 2nd / 2018
- Now all the domains point directly to here (www.philadelphiaexperiment.navy, www.phladelphiaexperiment.info, www.de173.ca, etc.)
February 26th / 2018
- Changes to the Ships of the Experiment section;
- Added two pages from the New York Naval Yard’s War Diary;
- 1943 Aug 26th ~ New York Navy Yard Eldridge Accepted form Federal Shipbuilding & D.D. Co.
- 1943 Aug 27th ~ New York Navy Yard Eldridge Placed Into Commission
- Adjusted placement of some text for better flow and visual appeal
- Added two pages from the New York Naval Yard’s War Diary;
February 25th / 2018
- Started working on the Timeline again, added a good find look at Aug 27th, 1943 a page from the New York Naval Yard marked at the time “Secret” the log entry of the Eldridge being commissioned.
February 24th / 2018
- Added more text (interview with William Moore) and clean up the design of the Effects of the Experiment on the Crew section
February 23rd / 2018
- Added more text to the Dr? Morris K. Jessup section.
February 22nd / 2018
- Added another letter from John A. Keel found in the Barker Archives to the “John A Keel On The Philadelphia Experiment” section
February 18th / 2018
- Various changes to the Ships of the Experiment section, addition of some text.
February 17th / 2018
- Added some more text to the Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or... section
- Added a lot of text, and cleaned up the overall design of “The Philadelphia Experiment” The Movies section
- Changes to the Ships of the Experiment section;
- Added a picture of the DE-168 USS Amick
- Added a picture of the DE-168’s Original Damage Control Manual I have
February 16th / 2018
- Added a new Article; “Carlos Allende Speaks”
- David J. Halperin’s review of “Carl Allen Speaks” an audio cassette in the Barker Collection, originally sold by Saucerian Press in the 70’s. Carl talks abut the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943.
- Added a new Article; “Amigo, I Do Not Underestimate You”
- Added a new Article; “Carlos Allende, Happy at Last”
- David J. Halperin’s Review of “Hoax: The Philadelphia Experiment Unraveled”, by P.J. Dowers
February 15th / 2018
- Talked with by David J. Halperin a fellow researcher and received his kind permission to repost some of his articles here, with some extra media and style. Began working on a few pages
February 14th / 2018
- Changes to the Ships of the Experiment section;
- Added some new research on Edward Dudgeon
- Added three images to the U.S.S. Engstrom (DE 50) on the “Other Ships” Section
- Added a rare find Jessup’s reply to the first of Carl Allen’s Letters on the Carl Allen Letters section
February 13th / 2018
- Added two newspaper articles to the Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or... section
February 12th / 2018
- Changes to the Ships of the Experiment section;
- Added a sample of four of the 65 pages from the 1943 crew list
- Added more text to the U.S.S. Engstrom (DE 50) on the “Other Ships” Section
- Added the USS Amick (DE-168) to the “Other Ships” Section
- Added the S.S. Malay to the top table
February 11th / 2018
- Changes to the Ships of the Experiment section;
- Added and updated a lot of text on the S.S. Malay
- Added a picture of the S.S. Malay
- Added a paragraph about the 65 pages of the crew records I recently obtained
February 10th / 2018
- Added another photo to National Archives and Other Historical Photos section;
- S.S. Malay Tanker Ship (1933~1948) that Carl Allen may of served on and claimed to encounter a UFO while at sea
January 13th / 2018
- Added more text from to “The Varo Edition” section;
- Actual Introduction to the Varo edition of M. K. Jessup’s Case for the UFO
January 6th / 2018
- Added more text from to “The Varo Edition” section
January 5th / 2018
- Added a new section “John A Keel on The Philadelphia Experiment”
- this is the August 10, 1983, Unsolicited Confession Letter Sent to Robert Goerman From John A. Keel about The Philadelphia Experiment / Carl Allen Story
- Added Some text from John Keels letter to “The Varo Edition” section
- Added Some text from John Keels letter to “Dr? Morris K. Jessup” section
- Updated Robert Goerman’s Photo on the “Alias Carlos Allende” section
December 30th / 2017
- Added more text & sources to the Montauk “Questioning Their “Story”” section
December 10th / 2017
- Added another newspaper clipping to The Montauk Project Gallery
December 8th / 2017
- Continued to work on the Philadelphia Experiment News Paper Clippings section I will launch live in the next few days. Added 7 more newspaper clippings have another 70ish to prepare… takes so long.
November 17th / 2017
- Added a promo tile on the main page to our Facebook Group.
- Added a newspaper article to the “Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or..” Gallery; from The Pittsburgh Press Tue, Jul 13th., 1943; “283 Join Maritime Service in past 15 Days”
- Added more text & sources to the Montauk “Questioning Their “Story”” section
- Major technology upgrade over the past 24hrs, PHP upgraded from v5.5->v7.1 and WordPress v4.9 installed. the website should run faster as the new version of PHP has a lot of speed improvements over the old 5.5.
November 4th / 2017
- Changes to on the “Ships of the Experiment” section;
- Added hyperlinks to the construction records of the Eldridge, Garfield Thomas, Amick, Engstrom, Slater, Antietam, and Ebert. Updated link to Andrew Furuseth’s construction record
- More text to the construction yard descriptions and other small changes.
- Added a newspaper clipping and a picture of the Eldridge Serving in the Greek Navy as the HNS Leon D54
- Added two more photos to the “National Archives and Other Historical Photos” gallery
- Arial views of the Federal Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, Kearny, NJ, 1945 (Where the Eldridge was built)
October 28th / 2017
- Added four more items to the “Philadelphia Experiment Timeline” one in 1943, 1959, 1963 and one in 1984
October 27th / 2017
- Added some text on my efforts to find the article in the “News Paper Article Fact or Fake” section.
October 26th / 2017
- Added a newspaper article to the “Philadelphia Experiment Timeline” from The Pittsburgh Press Tue, Jul 13th., 1943; “283 Join Maritime Service in past 15 Days” (Including Carl Allen)
October 20th / 2017
- Added more text to “Death of a Legend” section, a story from William Reinard about his time spent on a Greek Navy Base
October 19th / 2017
- Added more research to the “Dr? Morris K. Jessup” Section. While doing some research on Morris Jessup tonight I found something interesting. It is commonly restated in countless books “No published obituaries or articles were found about Jessup’s death, not from his local home town paper or any other source.” To further the mystery of his death. Well tonight while going though papers in 1959/Apr I ran across the following easy to miss little article that appeared in the “Fort Myers News-Press” on Wed Apr-22, 1959 (Two days after Jessup’s death)
September 13th / 2017
- Various changed to the ““The Philadelphia Experiment” The Movies” Section
August 19th / 2017
- Some text added to the “Questioning Their Story” section
- Fixed image of Jessup on a three pages
August 16th / 2017
- Added a image and text of the Philadelphia Experiment Trading Card to the “The Philadelphia Experiment In Popular Culture” section
August 12th / 2017
- Updated the “A Matter Of Time” section with more text and Eldridge’s Log Samples.
- Added proof Albert Einstein worked for the Navy in 1943 to “Einstein’s Unified Field Theory” section. I located Einstein’s time cards in The National Civilian Personnel Records Center.
- Added some text to “Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or…” section
August 9th / 2017
- Finished updating the pages to a Justified layout
August 8th / 2017
- Edited all the Montauk pages, fixed some text, converted all pages to Justified layout as it looks a bit more professional, added a few hyperlinks and such. Trying to get everything looking as good as it can for the upcoming “Dark Files” show that will drive traffic to the website.
- Updated many of the core pages to Justified layout as well, work continues..
August 7th / 2017
- Added more text to the “Dr? Morris K. Jessup” Section
August 4th / 2017
- Added more content and media to the “The Philadelphia Experiment In Popular Culture” section
- Added a feature image for social sharing to the PX Timeline section.
August 3rd / 2017
- Added more material (one more item) to downloads in the “Further Research” section
August 1st / 2017
- Added a radio talk show to the “Dr? Morris K. Jessup” section
- Added a short Audio interview with Carl Allen to the “Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or..” section
- Started work on a new Newspaper Clippings Gallery, it’s not up yet but in the next day or so
July 31st / 2017
- Added more text to “Death of a Legend” section, some more interesting quotes about the US Navy requesting parts back before it was scrapped, and a 1/2 page of the cover of the Greek Playboy was added.
July 30th / 2017
- Added more text to “News Paper Article Fact or Fake” section about what was found in the “Allende’s Papers”
July 29th / 2017
- I just received permission to reprint an article written in 1989 by Sam Kuncevich. It is not of the usual story but a different one, naming a different ship. “The Philadelphia Experiment by Sam Kuncevich” Both Parts 1&2 are up now.
July 28th / 2017
- Added seven pages of a UFO report filed by the Montauk AFB in 1958 to “The Montauk Project Gallery” section
- Added some more content to the Videos you can “Watch On-Line” section
- Mostly just doing research today
July 27th / 2017
- Updated the look of the “News Paper Article Fact or Fake” section, added a torn page effect, fixed some issues and added a Featured Image so when it’s shared on social media it looks well.
July 26th / 2017
- Added 12 more Time Line Events to the “The Montauk Project: Stranger Times” section.
- Started to populate the Montauk Project Dates mostly given by Preston to the time line, I am assuming I have around 20-30 yet to add.
July 25th / 2017
- Added more text to the “Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or..” section in regards to Project Chatter
- SLL Certificate / Encryption Nightmare is over, the provider fixed all the issues and the site is back to being secure, over all 95% of the sites on this subject are just http:\\ not https:\\ as it costs more to have a secure encrypted connection. The main problem with the issues in the past 24hrs is that with the certificate errors I was unable to write or make and content changes.
July 24th / 2017
- Added a statement from Susan Sallamack (Daughter of Edward J. Tempany / Eldridge Crew member) to the “Ships of the Experiment” section, and the “Eldridge crew amused by Philadelphia Experiment” section
- Added more text to the “Effects of the Experiment on the Crew” section about Navy using Humans in experiments in 1943, now includes a link to the complete 88 page declassified navy research document, and cover page image.
July 23rd / 2017
- Completely redone the Videos you can “Watch On-Line” section
- 3 x the content, and all the usual player features cc / play / pause / etc.
- Added more text to the “Effects of the Experiment on the Crew” section about Navy using Humans in experiments in 1943
July 22nd/ 2017
- Added a new article to the “More” menu; “The Invisible Ship Experiment” by Alex Saunders for Search Magazine (1989)
- Added more material (two more items) to download in the “Further Research” section
- Added more text to the “Carl Meets Einstein” part of “Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or..” section
- Added more text to the “The Unified Field Theory” section
July 21st / 2017
- Simply amazing just purchased Two Original Vintage WWII Photos of the “SS Andrew Furuseth” from a Estate Sale. If you look at ALL the books ever written on the PX you will see the SAME Single photo of the ship at launch (not even in the water), and one of the crew on deck holding the life preserver. I did find some more images however they were all after the Furuseth was sold and renamed the Essi, then later Nobi. These two are nice shots of the ship at port with the “Andrew Furuseth” ship name in clear view. Really an amazing find! hard to believe, can’t wait for them to arrive.
- Added three images of the crew to “Eldridge crew amused by Philadelphia Experiment” section and changed some font styles
- Started working more on the “Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or..” section;
- Added a new part “The Great Ark” Carl’s run in’s with a UFO (have to do a lot of writing still in this)
- Added some of Carl Allen’s handwriting to the “Carl Meets Einstein” section
- Added one photo to the “National Archives and Other Historical Photos” gallery
- Added three newspaper clippings to “The Montauk Project Gallery” section
- Changed the hover shading from a bright white to a darker shade on several pages/images.
July 18th /2017
- Re-did the first 17 Montauk images I had originally did that were all 1000+kb to jpg and now 250-400kb, all Montauk pages load faster, the main page went from 16 seconds to a low of 8 seconds. A big improvement!
- Further changes to “The Montauk Project: Stranger Times” section
- Started to work on a draft of a “Al Bielek” section to move part from the Montauk sections to a page just about him and put it into the PX section.
July 17th /2017
- Various small style changes to the Montauk Pages
- Added more text & sources to the Montauk “Questioning Their “Story”” section.
- Added more material (six or so items) to download in the “Further Research” section
July 16th /2017
- Further changes to “The Montauk Project: Stranger Times” section;
- Some date corrections (back in the 1989 it was not so easy to get good information as the wonders of the internet today)
- Added a newspaper clipping of the Montauk Base Closure
- Reformatted the page to be more pleasing
July 15th / 2017
- Added more text to “Death of a Legend” section, some interesting quotes about the US Navy requesting parts back before it was scrapped.
July 14th / 2017
- Added some more text to “The UFO Connection” section
July 13th / 2017
- Added another link to the “Evidence of Teleportation?” section
- Created a Facebook Group for the website; “The Philadelphia Experiment From A-Z” and started to add a good amount of content.
July 11th / 2017
- Scanned in 33! more images, and added them to the “The Montauk Project Gallery“
July 10th / 2017
- Further changes to “The Montauk Project: Stranger Times” section;
- Added a Sidebar Menu and one more image since its sort of the Landing Page for The Montauk Project.
- Added a Historical Timeline to the bottom of the page.
July 8th / 2017
- Started to add Titles, Captions, and Descriptions to some of the Montauk Images, and update the various Montauk pages were needed.
- Added picture labels to “The Montauk Project Gallery“
July 7th / 2017
- Added some information from the Camp Hero Fact Sheet to the “Was There a Montauk Project?” section
- Added four more quotes from the Varo Edition in direct regards to the PX to the “The Varo Edition” section
July 5th / 2017
- Continued to work on the new section “The Unified Field Theory” added some more text, thinking of renaming the section to maybe just “Was Einstein Involved in the PX?” as I am thinking of starting a new page “Was Tesla Involved in the PX?”
July 3rd / 2017
- Continued to work on the new section “The Unified Field Theory” added some more media, links, cleaned it up more, and three quotes from Einstein to make it more visually appealing.
- Added more inter-site linking to various pages
- Added a tribute to Austin N. Stanton for more background on the founder of the Varo Manufacturing Corp to the “The Varo Edition” Section.
July 2nd / 2017
- Continued to work on the new section “The Unified Field Theory” added some media, more text, and some links.
June 30th / 2017
- Added new section “The Unified Field Theory” to investigate the allegations that Einstein’s Unified Field Theory was used in part in the Experiment.
June 23rd / 2017
- Added a few more items to the “The Philadelphia Experiment Timeline” Section
June 21st / 2017
- Added a Picture of the Roswell Crash to the “The UFO Connection” section
June 17th / 2017
- Added a image of a 1943 Vacuum Tube to the “Questioning Their Character” section, some more clean-up, and renamed the section “Questioning Their ‘Story'” to sound somewhat better.
June 16th / 2017
- Added “Eldridge System Power Requirements” to the “Questioning Their Character” section
June 15th / 2017
- Started cleaning up the Montauk Project Pages;
- “Was There a Montauk Project?” added one outside and two inside hi-res images of the base.
- “The Montauk Project: Stranger Times” added four new hi-res images.
- “The Montauk Project Gallery” added to the opening paragraph started working on image titles.
- Added Picture Captions to the;
June 14th /2017
- Added new Gallery; “The Montauk Project Gallery” with 17 random hi-res images I have of the base at Montauk before it was all sealed up.
- Continued to work on “The Philadelphia Experiment In Popular Culture” section
- Set the Featured Image on a lot of the pages (this is the pic it uses when someone social shares a page)
June 13th / 2017
- Continued to work on “The Philadelphia Experiment In Popular Culture” containing other cultural references to the PX; Other Movies, Books, Games, Songs.
June 12th / 2017
- Added new Section “The Philadelphia Experiment In Popular Culture” containing other cultural references to the PX; Other Movies, Books, Games, Songs.
- Updated the Tops Covered Section
- Re-organized the menus to move The Philadelphia Experiment Timeline up near the top, and reworded some to make them shorter
- Fixed some of the Book image links, added a DE173 Ball cap to purchase on the timeline page.
June 11th / 2017
- Added other cultural references to the PX; Other Movies, Books, Games, Songs on the “The Philadelphia Experiment” The Movies section, may retitle and re-work this section more.
June 10th / 2017
- Cleaned up the “Sorry” page when someone links to a page not found, and other tweaks
June 2nd / 2017
- Continued work on “Philadelphia Experiment Timeline”
- Added a box in the left column with all the Reference Numbers
- Added 5 more images to existing events to make the timeline more visual
- Added 8 new events, removed 2, edited some
May 30th / 2017
- Updated some links on the “Further Research” section, and added a List of Facebook Groups.
May 27th-29th / 2017
- Continued work on “Philadelphia Experiment Timeline“
- Adjusted menus to eliminate sub menus and hopefully make navigation better
May 26th / 2017
- Added new section “Philadelphia Experiment Timeline” very much a work in Progress. Well OVER 50 Dates yet to add this is going to take hrs.. For now this serves more as what is to come then a finished page.
May 24th / 2017
- Added new section “Carlos Allende “Death Bed Statement“” Originally Published in “THE NEWS of Colorado Centennial Country,” Vol 2, # 31, August 22nd, 1986
May 22nd / 2017
- Added some research into the SS Malay to the “Other Ships” Section of Ships of the Experiment.
May 20th / 2017
- Added a new section “The UFO Connection” this is very new and needs a good amount of work but hey it’s new.
May 19th / 2017
- Re-wrote some of the main page text as I think people thought I may just be trying to sell a book rather then offer real research into the subject.
- Added more info to the “First Test Ships”, some updated info in the table, more hyperlinks on the Ships of the Experiment Section
May 18th / 2017
- Continued work on “Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or..” adding text on Carl’s death, a link to his obituary.
April 21st / 2017
- Continued work on “Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or..” adding text on Carl’s Meetings with Albert Einstein.
March 1st / 2017
- Added a new image of the Eldridge from 1944 to the National Archives and Other Historical Photos section.
December 14th / 2016
- Had to add a landing page to all the domains that reference this one so they would not continue to display a SSL error (www.philadelphiaexperiment.navy, www.philadelphiaexperiment.ca, www.philadelphiaexperiment.info, www.de173.ca)
- Added the Comodo Dynamic Trust Logo to the main page, donate page and this page.
December 13th / 2016
- Added a new page “Anatomy of a Hoax: The Philadelphia Experiment 50 Years Later” This was originally mailed to me by Jacques F. Vallee before publication in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. The page is still in it’s early form, need to clean it up more and add some more pictures.
December 12th / 2016
Purchased a SSL Certificate and now the site is encrypted and any information sent (comments, forms, etc) are now sent over a secure encrypted connection. Website now only uses HTTPS: to deliver all resources ensuring any transmitted data is safe.
- The News and Press Section was updated to fix mixed content issues and the left side images replaced with a vertical gallery rather then just a bunch of inline images.
- Added two pictures of the DE 50 USS Engstrom to the National Archives and Other Historical Photos, also checked to make sure all images were in the Gallery so there may be a few more that were not previously there.
December 11th / 2016
- After much research, I replaced the gallery plugin I was using for the three main picture galleries due to some bugs that could not be fixed greatly impacting the usability of the site. The new Galleries look nicer and have a magnifying glass and a better light box view making it a overall nice upgrade.
December 7th / 2016
- Added <H1> Tags to pages to make some of the search engines more happy.
- Added the DE 50 USS Engstrom information to the ships table on the Ships of the Experiment Section
October 13th / 2016
- Added more text and a picture of Vincent Gaddis to The Varo Edition Section
Added a picture of Brad Steiger to Dr? Morris K. Jessup Section
October 1st / 2016
- Updated The Newspaper Article Fact or Fake section with some more information
September 26th / 2016
- Updated image of the S.S. Andrew Furuseth Launching to a higher resolution in the National Archives and Other Historical Photos.
September 25th / 2016
- Finished clean up of footnote numbering on all pages
- Added an image and some more text to The Newspaper Article Fact or Fake section
September 24th / 2016
- Updated The Newspaper Article Fact or Fake section with some more information
- Major drama over the past few days with some plugin updates rendering the site smashed ended up having to do a complete restore such fun.
- Cleaned up the footnote numbering on most pages (some where bold some were italic, some were underline.. blaw)
- Lost some update notes with the site crash
September 15th / 2016
- Added a update to the New & Press Section
September 7th~10th / 2016
- Updated the Home Page to include a side-bar site navigation and other cosmetic changes.
- Added a little more information and media to the Ships of the Experiment, and The Varo Edition Sections.
September 3rd / 2016
- Changes to the Ships of the Experiment section;
- Changed graphic table at the top to a interactive text table, added more dates, and informational columns.
- Added theUSS AmickDE-168 to the list of ships as Carl Allen references it in various interviews.
- Continued work on “Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or..” adding some more media and links.
September 1st / 2016
- Changes to the Ships of the Experiment section;
- Worked on the historical information of the S.S. Andrew Furuseth, added accurate dates for it’s launching (most books have this date wrong and just copied the error from book to book), when it was laid down and other historical facts, with a link to the ship builders log of ships built.
- Added convoy information showing the Eldridge and Andrew Furuseth had spent time together
August 18th / 2016
- Continued work on “Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or..” adding some more media and links, more yet to come.
August 15th / 2016
- Added “Eldridge Official Business Envelope” to the National Archives and Other Historical Photos section, and also added it to the Contact Us Page to make it more visually interesting.
August 12th / 2016
- Started working on new section “Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or..” It is in it’s earliest form, media, formatting, etc. yet to come.
August 4th~11th / 2016
- Started working on the “Montauk Project” pages adding media and fixing up some of the text as Stranger Things on Netflix is somewhat based on the Montauk Project story and is driving lots of interest here.
July 22nd / 2016
- Added a few more pictures to the Ships of the Experiment section
- Picture of Researcher Reilly H. Crabb thanks to Borderland Sciences Research Foundation (BSRF)
- Picture of William Moore
July 19th / 2016
- Updated the main table on the Ships of the Experiment section
- Added hyper links to the footnotes on the Evidence of Teleportation section
July 18th / 2016
- Updated The Varo Edition section with more information and labeled the picture of Jessup.
July 17th / 2016
- Added two more images of the S.S. Andrew Furuseth National Archives and Other Historical Photos section
- Updated The Varo Edition section with more text, footnotes and some previously unreleased information.
- Updated The Newspaper Article Fact or Fake section with another image and adjusted the page layout
July 16th / 2016
- More images and text added to the Ships of the Experiment section, upgraded the USS Slater Slider looks better.
- In the 100’s of books written on the experiment you will never see the full/side view of the S.S. Andrew Furuseth, I have tracked down some new images of the ship never before used in publications.
- Added interactive map and some more images to the Evidence of Teleportation section
- Added new standard page main title text to each page, and some pages that were missing a main title
July 15th / 2016
- Added three more days of log pages to the Eldridges War Diary Gallery
July 14th / 2016
- Added Page Navigation (previous/next) to most of the pages.
- Touched up some pages
July 11th / 2016
- Cleaned up this page some and added some counters
July 9th / 2016
- Continued to clean-up the four pages covering the Montauk Project in detail
- Added more hyperlinks to the Topics covered Section to the newer pages on the site.
July 7th / 2016
- Added a new menu with sub menu items to the “Read More” menu for “The Montauk Project.”
- There is now four pages covering the Montauk Project in detail, all are still in process of clean-up but base information is there to read.
July 6th / 2016
- Started new section The Montauk Project: Experiments in Gullibility to cover the Preston Nichols, Al Bielek “story”
- Decreased the menu font size and reworded some titles, and moved a few items to cut down on the menu strip length
July 2 ~ 3rd / 2016
- Continued work on the Ships of the Experiment section, for the most part done now.
July 1st / 2016
- Continued work on the Ships of the Experiment section, massive update of information, charts, scans, and new images.
- Added more hyperlinks to the Topics covered Section to the newer pages on the site.
June 30th / 2016
- Started new section Ships of the Experiment needs a lot of work still but the base information is there
June 26th / 2016
- Finished Optimizing the webpages, site over all is much faster.
June 25th / 2016
- Optimized the load time of the main page (Page speed score now above 91%) and started working on others.
June 23rd/ 2016
- Added a sample of Carl Allen’s hand writing to The Carl Allen Letters section.
June 16th / 2016
- Added fourmore documents (the Eldridge’s Official History pages, and the Movement Summary of the S.S. Andrew Furuseth.) to the Matter of Time section.
- Added two images of the two Harbors in the Evidence of Teleportation section
June 15th/ 2016
- Added all four more images of the DE-54 Leon, and upgraded one to a higher res to the National Archives and Other Historical Photos section
June 14th / 2016
- Added all three trailers to “The Philadelphia Experiment” The Movies” section
- Added some ram and optimization to the hosting platform.
June 13th / 2016
- Added new section “The Philadelphia Experiment” The Movies“
June 12th / 2016
- Added newspaper article “Eldridge crew amused by Philadelphia Experiment”
June 11th / 2016
- Continued work on thenew section Effects of the Experiment on the Crew cleaned up text ,added an image and some internal linking to other documents.
June 10th / 2016
- Started new section Effects of the Experiment on the Crew Not done yet
- Added two more quotes to the Dr? Morris K. Jessup Section at the end.
- Cleaned up some of text on the main page.
June 9th / 2016
- Added a lot of inner page linking from topics in pages to the pages they refer to
- Added ALT Image Text to a lot of the pictures
June 6~8th / 2016
- Upgraded the website with “Slider Revolution” to replace the main page slider and the YouTube player, many hrs later it still needs work but looks nicer.
- Working on new page footer and cleaning up pages
June 5th / 2016
- Added a picture to Dr? Morris K. Jessup Section to make it more visual, added some more details.
- Added captions and photo frames to the heading of The Carl Allen Letters.
- Added Kindle Unlimited 30 day free offer to the Book Sore Section
June 4th / 2016
- Added a copy of Jessup’s Death Certificate and other pictures to Dr? Morris K. Jessup Section to make it more visual. Jessup’s DC can not be found anywhere on the internet, so pretty unique for the site.
June 3rd / 2016
- Added Pages and Pages of text to Dr? Morris K. Jessup Section
- Added more text / quotes to The Varo Addition Section
June 2nd / 2016
- Added hyperlinks to the Topics covered Section to pages on the site
- General appearance improvements to various pages
June 1st / 2016
- Added four more log pages to the Eldridges War Diary Gallery
- Added New Page “News Paper Article Fact or Fake“
- General appearance improvements to various pages
- Site can now be accessed by “www.philadelphiaexperiment.navy” sounds pretty official eh:)
December 14th / 2016
- Had to add a landing page to all the domains that reference this one so they would not continue to display a SSL error (www.philadelphiaexperiment.navy, www.philadelphiaexperiment.ca, www.philadelphiaexperiment.info, www.de173.ca)
- Added the Comodo Dynamic Trust Logo to the main page, donate page and this page.
December 13th / 2016
- Added a new page “Anatomy of a Hoax: The Philadelphia Experiment 50 Years Later” This was originally mailed to me by Jacques F. Vallee before publication in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. The page is still in it’s early form, need to clean it up more and add some more pictures.
December 12th / 2016
Purchased a SSL Certificate and now the site is encrypted and any information sent (comments, forms, etc) are now sent over a secure encrypted connection. Website now only uses HTTPS: to deliver all resources ensuring any transmitted data is safe.
- The News and Press Section was updated to fix mixed content issues and the left side images replaced with a vertical gallery rather then just a bunch of inline images.
- Added two pictures of the DE 50 USS Engstrom to the National Archives and Other Historical Photos, also checked to make sure all images were in the Gallery so there may be a few more that were not previously there.
December 11th / 2016
- After much research, I replaced the gallery plugin I was using for the three main picture galleries due to some bugs that could not be fixed greatly impacting the usability of the site. The new Galleries look nicer and have a magnifying glass and a better light box view making it a overall nice upgrade.
December 7th / 2016
- Added <H1> Tags to pages to make some of the search engines more happy.
- Added the DE 50 USS Engstrom information to the ships table on the Ships of the Experiment Section
October 13th / 2016
- Added more text and a picture of Vincent Gaddis to The Varo Edition Section
Added a picture of Brad Steiger to Dr? Morris K. Jessup Section
October 1st / 2016
- Updated The Newspaper Article Fact or Fake section with some more information
September 26th / 2016
- Updated image of the S.S. Andrew Furuseth Launching to a higher resolution in the National Archives and Other Historical Photos.
September 25th / 2016
- Finished clean up of footnote numbering on all pages
- Added an image and some more text to The Newspaper Article Fact or Fake section
September 24th / 2016
- Updated The Newspaper Article Fact or Fake section with some more information
- Major drama over the past few days with some plugin updates rendering the site smashed ended up having to do a complete restore such fun.
- Cleaned up the footnote numbering on most pages (some where bold some were italic, some were underline.. blaw)
- Lost some update notes with the site crash
September 15th / 2016
- Added a update to the New & Press Section
September 7th~10th / 2016
- Updated the Home Page to include a side-bar site navigation and other cosmetic changes.
- Added a little more information and media to the Ships of the Experiment, and The Varo Edition Sections.
September 3rd / 2016
- Changes to the Ships of the Experiment section;
- Changed graphic table at the top to a interactive text table, added more dates, and informational columns.
- Added theUSS AmickDE-168 to the list of ships as Carl Allen references it in various interviews.
- Continued work on “Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or..” adding some more media and links.
September 1st / 2016
- Changes to the Ships of the Experiment section;
- Worked on the historical information of the S.S. Andrew Furuseth, added accurate dates for it’s launching (most books have this date wrong and just copied the error from book to book), when it was laid down and other historical facts, with a link to the ship builders log of ships built.
- Added convoy information showing the Eldridge and Andrew Furuseth had spent time together
August 18th / 2016
- Continued work on “Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or..” adding some more media and links, more yet to come.
August 15th / 2016
- Added “Eldridge Official Business Envelope” to the National Archives and Other Historical Photos section, and also added it to the Contact Us Page to make it more visually interesting.
August 12th / 2016
- Started working on new section “Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or..” It is in it’s earliest form, media, formatting, etc. yet to come.
August 4th~11th / 2016
- Started working on the “Montauk Project” pages adding media and fixing up some of the text as Stranger Things on Netflix is somewhat based on the Montauk Project story and is driving lots of interest here.
July 22nd / 2016
- Added a few more pictures to the Ships of the Experiment section
- Picture of Researcher Reilly H. Crabb thanks to Borderland Sciences Research Foundation (BSRF)
- Picture of William Moore
July 19th / 2016
- Updated the main table on the Ships of the Experiment section
- Added hyper links to the footnotes on the Evidence of Teleportation section
July 18th / 2016
- Updated The Varo Edition section with more information and labeled the picture of Jessup.
July 17th / 2016
- Added two more images of the S.S. Andrew Furuseth National Archives and Other Historical Photos section
- Updated The Varo Edition section with more text, footnotes and some previously unreleased information.
- Updated The Newspaper Article Fact or Fake section with another image and adjusted the page layout
July 16th / 2016
- More images and text added to the Ships of the Experiment section, upgraded the USS Slater Slider looks better.
- In the 100’s of books written on the experiment you will never see the full/side view of the S.S. Andrew Furuseth, I have tracked down some new images of the ship never before used in publications.
- Added interactive map and some more images to the Evidence of Teleportation section
- Added new standard page main title text to each page, and some pages that were missing a main title
July 15th / 2016
- Added three more days of log pages to the Eldridges War Diary Gallery
July 14th / 2016
- Added Page Navigation (previous/next) to most of the pages.
- Touched up some pages
July 11th / 2016
- Cleaned up this page some and added some counters
July 9th / 2016
- Continued to clean-up the four pages covering the Montauk Project in detail
- Added more hyperlinks to the Topics covered Section to the newer pages on the site.
July 7th / 2016
- Added a new menu with sub menu items to the “Read More” menu for “The Montauk Project.”
- There is now four pages covering the Montauk Project in detail, all are still in process of clean-up but base information is there to read.
July 6th / 2016
- Started new section The Montauk Project: Experiments in Gullibility to cover the Preston Nichols, Al Bielek “story”
- Decreased the menu font size and reworded some titles, and moved a few items to cut down on the menu strip length
July 2 ~ 3rd / 2016
- Continued work on the Ships of the Experiment section, for the most part done now.
July 1st / 2016
- Continued work on the Ships of the Experiment section, massive update of information, charts, scans, and new images.
- Added more hyperlinks to the Topics covered Section to the newer pages on the site.
June 30th / 2016
- Started new section Ships of the Experiment needs a lot of work still but the base information is there
June 26th / 2016
- Finished Optimizing the webpages, site over all is much faster.
June 25th / 2016
- Optimized the load time of the main page (Page speed score now above 91%) and started working on others.
June 23rd/ 2016
- Added a sample of Carl Allen’s hand writing to The Carl Allen Letters section.
June 16th / 2016
- Added fourmore documents (the Eldridge’s Official History pages, and the Movement Summary of the S.S. Andrew Furuseth.) to the Matter of Time section.
- Added two images of the two Harbors in the Evidence of Teleportation section
June 15th/ 2016
- Added all four more images of the DE-54 Leon, and upgraded one to a higher res to the National Archives and Other Historical Photos section
June 14th / 2016
- Added all three trailers to “The Philadelphia Experiment” The Movies” section
- Added some ram and optimization to the hosting platform.
June 13th / 2016
- Added new section “The Philadelphia Experiment” The Movies“
June 12th / 2016
- Added newspaper article “Eldridge crew amused by Philadelphia Experiment”
June 11th / 2016
- Continued work on thenew section Effects of the Experiment on the Crew cleaned up text ,added an image and some internal linking to other documents.
June 10th / 2016
- Started new section Effects of the Experiment on the Crew Not done yet
- Added two more quotes to the Dr? Morris K. Jessup Section at the end.
- Cleaned up some of text on the main page.
June 9th / 2016
- Added a lot of inner page linking from topics in pages to the pages they refer to
- Added ALT Image Text to a lot of the pictures
June 6~8th / 2016
- Upgraded the website with “Slider Revolution” to replace the main page slider and the YouTube player, many hrs later it still needs work but looks nicer.
- Working on new page footer and cleaning up pages
June 5th / 2016
- Added a picture to Dr? Morris K. Jessup Section to make it more visual, added some more details.
- Added captions and photo frames to the heading of The Carl Allen Letters.
- Added Kindle Unlimited 30 day free offer to the Book Sore Section
June 4th / 2016
- Added a copy of Jessup’s Death Certificate and other pictures to Dr? Morris K. Jessup Section to make it more visual. Jessup’s DC can not be found anywhere on the internet, so pretty unique for the site.
June 3rd / 2016
- Added Pages and Pages of text to Dr? Morris K. Jessup Section
- Added more text / quotes to The Varo Addition Section
June 2nd / 2016
- Added hyperlinks to the Topics covered Section to pages on the site
- General appearance improvements to various pages
June 1st / 2016
- Added four more log pages to the Eldridges War Diary Gallery
- Added New Page “News Paper Article Fact or Fake“
- General appearance improvements to various pages
- Site can now be accessed by “www.philadelphiaexperiment.navy” sounds pretty official eh:)
Year Mystery
Pages on this site now
Or More Pictures
Or More Hyperlinks