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Dr Irena Scott and Philip Mantel have found and interviewed another independent first-hand eyewitness to the UFO events of October 11th, 1973. The gentleman in question (name on file) was on his way to high school that morning. This is part of what he had to tell us “That sucker was tremendous, at least 1,000 feet in length, the size of one of those oceangoing oil tanker one finds powering up the Mississippi River. But how could that be? How could something that large defy gravity and crawl across the sky at near walking speeds. During that thought, the sun peered its first rays above the eastern lake vista, beaming its bright light to reveal the enormity of the object, as it seemingly hung stationary in the skies directly above.

Looking, closer I discovered a row of windows dotted along the starboard breadth; unveiling what I thought was interior light shining out of those portholes. Suddenly, in a flash of the next instant, the object tilted twenty five degrees forward and shot straight up into the sky, immediately disappearing behind snaking contrails into the high mesosphere. All without as much as making a single sound.”
This gentleman was living in Louisiana at the time of the sighting and is looking for some of the other students who also saw this event. He was on his way to school at the time. We will publish this in full at a later date.

If you were a witness to the UFO events back in 1973 then please do not hesitate to contact us. You can contact us in complete confidence directly by email at:

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