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The Philadelphia Experiment From A-Z

TV, Radio Shows, and Publications


October 13th 2023; I helped production with an episode of “The Unexplained with William Shatner,”  with research and on-screen materials for the segment about the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943.

The UnXplaned Season 6 Epp 2


January 23rd, 2020; I’ll be on Dave Scott’s Spaced Out Radio show

Spaced Out Radio with Dave Scott ~ Guest Andrew H. Hochheimer


June 16th, 2019

Hysteria 51 Podcast

My website is listed of the show notes on Hysteria 51’s Podcast (#142) for its “SS Ourang Medan.” information.

May 20 / 2019

Was contacted by Wargaming Inc. to participate in there “World of Warships Anchors Away Tour” as a VIP this year;

“My name is Tony Jones and I’m a Senior Community Manager on World of Warships in North America.  We are big fans of your work here, so first thank you very much for not only your efforts but interacting with our community around the Philadelphia Experiment. 

We are doing a number of events on various ships across the country this year including the USS Massachusetts, HMCS Haida, USS Little Rock, etc.. and were wondering if you were interested in attending any of these events.  I’m sure our community would love to meet you in person and ask questions.”

March 18th /2019

Accepted an offer to be on a guest on April 7th on KGRA Radio’s Task Force Gryphon show. Each week the exploration and discussions are on for the paranormal, extraterrestrial, conspiracy, black-special-military operations & program, geo-political challenge at hand, and often the intersection of a topic in all these dimensions. “Commander Cobra, host of TF Gryphon, is a retired US Military officer and aviator. Stationed and operationally employed all over the world, including Europe, the Polar Regions of the Arctic and Antarctic, Central and South America, Australia & New Zealand, and South West Asia. When not preparing, researching, and delivering the show he works as a Professional Military Contractor primarily for aviation in areas of Intelligence / Surveillance / Reconnaissance (ISR), Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E), and Operations (OPS) supporting military and law enforcement.” ~ AKA He’s the Real Deal and I am hoping the show goes well as it will be the first time I accepted an offer to do a radio show on The Philadelphia Experiment.

KGRA Radio - Task Force Gryphon Show

KGRA Radio – Task Force Gryphon Show

February 20th, 2019

MU Logo

My website is top of the list of the show notes on Mysterious Universe’s Podcast (19.07 – MU Plus+) for its “SS Ourang Medan.” information.


Never took the time keep this section up to date so lots of missing events from 2008~ early 2019 🙁

March 14th, 2018

My website was in the show notes for the Double Density Podcast (Boat Disclosure) for it’s Philadelphia Experiment content.


July 14, 2017

MU Logo

My website is 2nd from the top of the list of the show notes on Mysterious Universe’s Podcast (18.02 – MU) for its “Montauk Project” information.


July 25th / 2016

Did an on-camera interview with a company casting for a History Channel conspiracy show that is looking for myself as a potential candidate to host. They currently have a eight epp series planned that will be in the format of a skeptic and believer taking a closer look at various topics with some focus on Montauk. “We have you down on the list as a potential host. Our team has done a ton of research on candidates and you are on our short list.” Should be an interesting opportunity, will see…


July / 2015

History Channel will have a segment on the Philadelphia Experiment in there new series on Time Travel called “Time Travelers” being produced. I was contacted and help supply some source material and information for the production.



I may be doing a spot on “William Shatner’s Weird or What” in the coming season…

“…. William Shatner’s Weird or What. In case you are not familiar with the show, we take a look at strange and unexplained stories and incidents and attempt to provide theories for these stories without solving or debunking anything. Getting to the point, we have begun some research into the Philadelphia Experiment as a possible story for the show and are looking for someone who can explain and outline the key points to the audience in a short interview. I came across your name and your book, and seeing as you are well versed in this event, I was wondering if this is something that you would possibly be interested in participating in.”


The History Channel Logo

10/10/08 – Filming / Interview for the TV Series “Science: Impossible”

Public Magazine Cover

06/01/08 – Three page article about Nicola Tesla, and the Philadelphia Experiment published in the Moldovan magazine “Public”

“Many thanks Andrew! It looks much more better and deeper reflects the topic. With best regards from Moldova, Valentina” – Valentina Toporivskaya, Editor of the moldovan social-publicistic magazine “Public”

Galileo Mystery Logo

01/16/08 – Filming / Interview in Berlin for the TV Series called “Galileo Mysteries” Episode “Philadelphia Experiment”


The History Channel Logo

09/27/05 – Filming / Interview in Philadelphia Navy Yard with Mark Moran & Mark Sceurman for The TV Series “Weird U.S.” On The History Channel. They have a page up now about the episode.

World Of Wonder Logo

09/12/05  – Filming / Interview in Albany New York Aboard the USS Slater for the German scientific program called “Welt der Wunder” (Translated: world of wonder) covering stories on nature, medicine, new inventions and science. –


01/18/02 – The complete series “Dan Aykroyd’s Out There.” has been canceled.

01/13/02 – Scheduled to be a Guest on a new Sci Fi channel show called “Dan Aykroyd’s Out There.”  It will be Me, Al Bielek, and Dan Aykroyd in a live 30min segment, taping on 01/20/02.


The History Channel Logo

12/–/00 – Went to New York for filming for the History Channel’s episode on “History’s Mysteries.”

10/10/00 – Talked to a producer from the History Channel about a possible episode on there series “History’s Mysteries.”

Fox Network Logo

08/29/00 – Went to New York for filming for Fox network’s upcoming series “In Search Of”, I will be on Episode #6 “Time Travel.” I basically just recounted the ‘usual’ as ‘the story goes’ ledged.

05/28/00 – Contacted by a Producer for BBC, ITV and DISCOVERY networks looking at doing a fell length documentary on the Philadelphia Experiment. I’m still in contact with them.


A&E Logo

8/21/98 – See me on A&E’s “The Unexplained”, Epp Title “Disappearances” at 1:00am EST

8/20/98 – See me on A&E’s “The Unexplained”, Epp Title “Disappearances” at 9:00pm EST

Strange tales of disappearance, including the case of the U.S. Navy ship and crew that disappeared in the famous “Philadelphia Experiment.”

The Discovery Channel Logo

07/19/98 – See me on the Discovery Channel’s “Science of the Impossible” Mini Series at 5:00pm EST

07/15/98 – See me on the Discovery Channel’s “Science of the Impossible” Mini Series at 9:00pm EST

03/19/98 – I was filmed/interviewed in my office by Mark Caras for an upcoming show on A&E network.

02/23/98 – Talked to Mark Caras a producer for Towers Productions and the A&E network, about the Philadelphia Experiment for a segment coming up on there series entitled: “The Unexplained.”


11/17/97 – Filming / interview by Topsin Creative Corp at my home for air on a segment on the Philadelphia Experiment.

10/2?/97 – Went to New York for filming / interview to be included in   “Science Of The Impossible.”

10/16/97 – Courier Press Called for an interview tomorrow.

10/16/97 – David Reid of TopSpin Called for some information, they are looking at producing a 60 min segment, and filming an interview with me.

10/07/97 – I was in New York being interviewed about the Philadelphia Experiment for a five part series to be aired in London, England entitled “Science Of The Impossible.”

09/22/97 – Still in contact with David  Reid of Topspin.

09/05/97 – I was contacted by Chris Lent who is producing a five part series entitled “Science Of The Impossible” for air in London, England.

08/18/97 – Benita Alexander, Special Projects Coordinator at WDIV-TV is still very interested in the Philadelphia Experiment and is looking to do a story
on it for a Saturday night in October or November.

08/10/97 – I’m currently helping David  Reid of Topspin to research a possible TV Segment to air on Japanese TV.

08/04/97 – Rod Coppola producer of the Mike Jarmus Radio Program. (Program broadcasts weekly on the worldwide international short-wave
band.) wants to interview me, with listener call in.

06/02/97 – Karen Wendelken of Topspin is trying to coordinate research for a program which Japanese TV is looking to do on the Philadelphia Experiment.

05/29/97 – Mihot expresses the fact that Japanese TV wants to cover Philadelphia Experiment and is looking for TV News or Video Clips.

04/10/97 – Benita Alexander, Special Projects Coordinator at WDIV-TV was looking for information for the possible production of a story on the PX

04/03/97 – Nick Carter a broadcaster in British Columbia, Canada is interested in a short radio interview I have yet to respond as I have just read the email today


Sightings TV Show Logo

Ruth Rafiti a producer at “Sightings” has called a few times and we are in the process of setting up a TV interview in the following weeks.

UPDATE: The production of the episode has been postponed till sometime in 1997.

Swedish PC magazine called High Score #8 1996;
“Philadelphia Experiment 1943 försökte sig amerikanska flottan på att använda avancerad stealthteknik på fartyg som inte bara skulle göra dem osynliga för fientlig radar utan även för blotta ögat. Projektet hette Project Rainbow men fick smeknamnet The Philadelphia Experiment för att det mesta av arbetet utfördes på Philadelphias marinbas. U.S.S Eldridge, DE (Destroyer Escort) 173 användes för experimentet. Skeppet försvann inte bara från radarn utan fullständigt för att sedan plötsligt bli synlig igen. Vad som är ännu konstigare, är att skeppet syntes och identifierades samtidigt 600 km ifrån platsen för experimentet.”
The Above in English Translated by Trygve Kalland;
“In 1943 the American Navy tried to use advanced stealth-technology on ships that would not only make them invisible to enemy radar but also for the naked eye. The project was called Project Rainbow but was nicknamed The Philadelphia Experiment because most of the work was performed on Philadelphia Navy base. U.S.S Eldridge, DE (Destroyer Escort) 173 was used for the experiment. The ship disappeared not only from radar but completely only to suddenly become visible again. What’s even more odd is that the ship was seen and identified at the same time 600 km from the place of the experiment.” – Swedish PC magazine called High Score #8 1996

Strange Universe TV Logo

Artemis Shamamian a Coordinating Producer at “Strange Universe” is working on sending a camera crew down for an interview.

03/19/96 – Minot Daily News Net Column “Incredible Tales from the Internet” on Pages D1, D2 was the following;

“The strange case of the U.S.S. Eldridge!
In 1943, a small destroyer dematerialized and teleported several times during hybrid radar cloaking tests. What happened? Was there a cover-up? What about the stories of sailors being fused within the metal of the ship after one of the teleportation trips?

Various Filming / TV Shows

DE173.COM Side Logo
DE173.COM Side Logo

Website Awards

Award_TNT_Weird  Award_RoadKillCafe   Award_Mystic_Site  Award_LinksToGo  Award_Best_of_the_Web “We no longer refer to it as Teleportation, we call it ITS: Instantaneous Transport System” DE173.COM Support This Site Einstein Meeting With The Navy, 1943

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