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The Philadelphia Experiment From A-Z

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Various Documents Available for Download


The Philadelphia Experiment” By Charles Berlitz, William Moore (also Available in German, or Greek, Translated to Farsi / Persian by Amirali Rustrow)

“The Varo Edition” of “The Case For The UFO” – A member of the Quantum Future School painstakingly re-transcribed this edition with careful attention to all details and including all images scanned from the original book. Created in 2003

Anatomy of a Hoax: The Philadelphia Experiment 50 Years Later by Jacques F. Vallee in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Volume 8, Number 1, Spring, 1994. This is the full Journal submission with photos rather then the usual you would commonly find on-line an excerpt or text only version.

A.P.R.O. Bulletin July-August 1969 – Article  on The Carl Allen Letters being a Hoax.

Philadelphia-Experiment-2006.pdf In 1994, Dr. James Corum succeeded in making a block of iron invisible to radar, thereby demonstrating the feasibility of the Philadelphia Experiment. In this document it talks about trying to re-create the experiment on a grander scale.

THE “PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT” by Anonymous, Ph.d’s who wish to remain anonymous.

Fraser.txt Report on Book ‘Invisibility Technology’ by Alexander Strang Fraser, Alternate Explanation For Philadelphia Experiment. By: Rick Andersen

TECH-1.txt The Philadelphia Experiment & Nuclear Resonance Imaging, a possible spin-off technology. Including many book quotes. By: Rick Andersen

SIGHTING.txt Transcript from Fox 50’s “Sightings” about The Flight 19 & the Philadelphia Exp. By: Andrew H. Hochheimer

Bielek.pdf The Philadelphia Experiment, as told by a survivor. (note: Al Bielek’s “story” is simply that a well researched fabrication but has been included here so you can see what all the hoopla was about at the time) Transcript of the January 13th, 1990, Mufon Conference Metroplex in Dallas TX. – Alfred Bielek, Speaker. By: Clay Tippen By Many Spelling Corrections to Names, Places, Words, Style.. With Concluding Comments. By: Rick Andersen (also Available in ASCII/Text; Bielek90.txt)

BIelek1.txt Notes on the above file / Philadelphia Experiment from Mufon lecture of Al Bielek w/comments. By: Jerry W. Decker

An Interview with Al Bielek 1989 Al Bielek at the UFO-NEW AGE CONFERENCE in Phoenix, Arizona, September 1989

An Interview with Al Bielek 1992 Interview with Al Bielek Conducted by Susanne Konicov

An Interview with Al Bielek in 1997 This interview was conducted by Kenneth Burke at the Global Sciences Congress, Daytona Beach, Florida in August 1997

PHILAD1.txt The Philadelphia Experiment (the Invisible Ship Experiment) by Alex Saunders for Search Magazine (September 8, 1989)

PHILAD2.txt  BILL COOPER / Al Bielek “The Truth About The Philadelphia Experiment” Notes (January 17, 1980)

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Facebook Groups of Interest


The Philadelphia Experiment From A-Z Main Facebook Group for this website.

The Philadelphia Experiment

Mysterious Universe

Physical Research


Inventory of the Carlos Allende papers, 1943-1994, (bulk 1957-1984)

  • University of Wyoming. American Heritage Center. “The collection contains correspondence and other materials on theories of interstellar travel and UFOs compiled by Carlos Allende, who claimed to have witnessed the “Philadelphia Experiment” of 1943.”

Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library, Gray Barker Collection

  • Very good collection, many documents from or in reference to Carl Allen


Websites Of Interest


Wikipedia – Philadelphia Experiment

  • Where most people start there quest for information about the PX

Naval History and Heritage Command

  • The government issued statements about the PX.

Philadelphia Experiment: Office of Naval Research Information Sheet

  • The government issued statements about the PX.

Townsend Brown Family Website

  • Great website with lots of original source material on the PX.

Robert A. Goerman’s Philadelphia Experiment Photo Collection

  • Great source of pictures about Carl Allen and various other correspondence about the PX

John Keel

  • Various letters between John Keel and Carl Allen

David Halperin: Journal of a UFO Investigator

  • Some very good articles written about Carl Allen and the PX over the years

Al Bielek finally debunked (website Is Down but Permission to rebuild and host it here)

  • In my Eye’s he always was, I talked to people who personal knew Al, were there for the Genesis and fabrication of the story

Borderland Sciences Research Foundation (BSRF)

  • Some of the early source material written on the Philadelphia Experiment and M.K. Jessup still available for order.

Hellenic Navy’s discontinued page on the Leon (Eldridge)

Morris Ketchum Jessup as a Fortean

  • Excellent research into Morris K. Jessup 

PX Link Suggestion

8 + 13 = “We no longer refer to it as Teleportation, we call it ITS: Instantaneous Transport System” DE173.COM Support This Site Einstein Meeting With The Navy, 1943

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