I am very happy to say that today, Philip Mantel received a digital copy of the first-ever TV interview given by Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker. The interview was filmed on 16mm film by Mr Van Payne of Channel 13 News in Mississippi. He had kept the original 16mm and very kindly supplied me with a digital copy. His interview with the two men was filmed just outside of the base hospital at Keesler AFB on October 12th, 1973, the day after Parker & Hickson had their close encounter on the Pascagoula River. The full recording lasts over 11 minutes and has some other interesting items on it, but the Hickson/Parker interview is four and a half minutes in length. It is in color, and both men are interviewed with their backs to the camera. This unique piece of film does not contain any smoking gun but it is a unique piece of UFO history and adds to the timeline of events of this case. I will transcribe the dialogue in this film and use it in my book ‘PASCAGOULA UNCOVERED’, which will be out in 2025. I would like to thank Mr. Van Wayne for his cooperation with this which has really made my day.
First Ever TV Interview with Charles Hickson & Calvin Parker