Evidence of Teleportation?
Philadelphia Navy Yard
One of the most intriguing aspects of the PX was the possible teleportation of a ship and its crew, hundreds of kilometers in a blink of an eye. The current Legend tells of the Eldridge disappearing from Philadelphia Naval harbour, and mysteriously appearing in the harbour of Norfolk Virginia. It was seen there for ten or fifteen minutes, then disappeared as suddenly as it arrived; seconds later the ship reappeared in Philadelphia. Apparently the ship had teleported a total distance of 650 km. (approx.) in a matter of minutes.
The “Witnesses”
We currently have few people, if any, that actually witnessed the “teleportation” event. It appears that our star witness, Carl Allen himself, did not witness the teleportation of the Eldridge, but rather claims to have read about it. So just who witnessed, or experienced the teleportation of the Eldridge? Out of the hundreds of people at either harbor that could have viewed the experiment, we only have a few “witnesses.”
Carl Allen relates his “memories” to Mr. Jessup:
“I wish to Mention that Somehow, also, The Experimental Ship Disappeared from its Philadelphia Dock and only a Very few Minutes Later appeared at its other Dock in the Norfolk, Newport News, Portsmouth area. This was distinctly AND clearly Identified as being that place BUT the ship then, again, Disappeared And Went Back to its Philadelphia Dock in only a Very few Minutes or Less. ” [1]
Victor Silverman, who claims to have been aboard the Eldridge, stated that during one experiment he found himself in a thick fog, and he saw shapes “that did not seem to belong on the dock, if that is where I was.” Suddenly the green fog disappeared in a bright flash, placing Silverman in a confused state, causing him to ask himself “what in the world I was doing in Norfolk.” He recognized that place “because I had been there before to the ship’s other dock there.” The green fog again came and went, and the Eldridge rematerialized in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. [3]
In the following statement from Alfred Bielek (who claims to of been on the ship at the time, and below decks, his story mostly seems just that – only a story, but it’s included here to show how it fits into the current version.) we notice that he shifts from being on the ship to being a witness.
“The orders came to throw the switch, to fire up the equipment. For about 60 to 70 seconds everything looked okay. They had their radar invisibility, you could still see the ship, an outline.
Then there was a blue flash and the ship disappeared totally.
At that point of course von Neumann panicked. The ship disappeared completely… About four hours later the ship reappeared in the harbor, in the same location where it had been.”
Frederick Tracy stated that while serving on the U.S.S. Antietam, Captain Tague read a memo to the crew. Upon reflecting on the contents of the memo Mr. Frederick recalls:
- The event in question happened on October 28, 1943
- A patrol boat vanished during a degaussing experiment, appeared off Norfolk and then reappeared in the Philadelphia Navy Yard.
- Crew members were affected both mentally and physically
- Some crew members were just missing. [4]
Bill Moore writes in his book that approximately five British merchant seamen witnessed the teleportation while waiting in Norfolk for their ship to arrive. The men recall a destroyer escort appearing out of a cloud, after a few moments it disappeared in the same cloud it had arrived in. They go on to say that the area was quickly cleared by Naval Security personnel. The letter also did not provide Bill Moore with their names, or any credentials. [5]
We may take interest here at the fact that no witness has ever mentioned any after effects of the teleportation. (Water conditions, pressure changes, fringe effects of the field, etc.) One begins to think that the water was calm, or not out of the ordinary when the ship disappeared, or re-appeared. This simple fact casts doubt on the teleportation as the Eldridge displaced around 1,500 tons of water. When the ship disappeared, one would think that the 1,500 tons of water filling the void would cause visible waves. Also when the ship reappeared how did it “part” the water. Did the Eldridge simply materialize encompassing the 1,500 tons of water in its hull, and instantly sink (disappearing as fast as it arrived)?… seems unlikely.
Some may ask when the Eldridge seemingly teleported “out of control,” why did it teleport to Norfolk Harbor, as opposed to the middle of Time Square in New York? Further, why did it the ship return to Philadelphia when the experiment was powered down? Some researchers have attempted to answer these questions by viewing time as a book. Each page is a moment in time, when the Eldridge teleported, the pages of the book were fanned backward, and the ship simply moved to the exact location it had been once before. As for the second question, they go on to explain that the “transfer” to the new location was not completed when the power was removed, forcing the ship to return to it’s point of origin. This sudden loss of power also caused distortions in all matter encompassed by the field, giving rise to the bizarre after-effects. [6]
Some Afterthoughts On Our Witnesses
In some of Al Bielek’s lectures, he states that he and his brother were the only TWO seamen who were trained to operate the control room for the experiment (in others, he changes the number to three). In contrast, Victor Silverman states that he was one of THREE seamen that could initiate the experiment. Mr. Bielek remembers a BLUE Light/flash, where Mr. Silverman remembers a GREEN Light/fog/flash.
The “greenish fog” that was reportedly generated by, and surrounded, the U.S.S. Eldridge, sounds very similar to the anomalous fog reported by various survivors of the Bermuda Triangle, as has been pointed out by Charles Berlitz and others.
“When I looked out the window at the wings I remember noticing that they were not only glowing bluish-green, but were also fuzzy.” – Chuck Askeley [7]
“Possibly the strangest phenomena of all is what has been variously described as a yellow or green cloud or fog into which ships have sailed, never to be seen again.” [8]
Charles Wakeley was an experienced aviator, which was once engulfed by a strange greenish fog while flying a single engine aircraft, after which he started actively investigating the Bermuda Triangle. Wakeley compiled volumes of information on the Triangle, including many eyewitness accounts. In 1974, while working on his collected data, he was shot and killed – assailant and motive unknown. [9]
Mr. Dudgeon describes the green fog as being typical of electric storms / St. Elmo’s fire, and quite common while at sea:
“I remember coming back from Bermuda with a convoy and all the ships being engulfed in what looked like green fire.” – Edward Dudgeon [10]
“During my service on the A/T Leon {aka USS Eldridge}… there was some reports about a greenish glow that sometimes covered the ship during the night but I did not see this myself.” – Commanding officer A/T Leon [11]
Mr. Silverman also remembers the “barroom brawl” incident as happening shortly AFTER the perceived teleportation. Mr. Silverman, when recounting the events in the “barroom brawl,” made mention of the names of the two sailors that “disappeared” in the following way:
“…one of them was {named} Wilkens. The other one… began with a D.” – Victor Silverman [12]
Interestingly, Edward Dudgeon, whose last name coincidentally begins with a “D”, states clearly that the “barroom brawl” incident (of which he claims to have been one of the two sailors in the bar that apparently disappeared) happened hours BEFORE the Eldridge made its trip to Norfolk that caused the perceived teleportation event.
One final point to consider: The various witnesses cannot even agree on the length of time the teleportation event took, or the date it happened on. Most witnesses state that it took seconds or minutes; by contrast, Mr. Bielek contends that it took four hours. Most people regard the experiment as taking place in late October of 1943, whereas Alfred Bielek states that it happened on August 12, 1943. [13]
If five people witnessed, say, a car crash, they would relate similar stories and basic facts would remain unaltered (The sky was blue, the car was green, it happened in November, etc.) Did the various witnesses of the Philadelphia Experiment actually see an experiment involving invisibility and mass displacement?
With all the above in mind we are left with some possibilities to consider:
- The teleportation event happened as stated by the various witnesses. The experiment caused the memories of the witnesses to be corrupted, and disjointed.
- There was no teleportation event at all. The experiment simply caused the crew to lose consciousness, while the ship sailed on, hours later to awaken and perceive the trip as being instantaneous.
- There was no teleportation event at all. The experiment caused the flow of time to slow, the ship sailed on to Norfolk. People outside of the field would perceive the trip as being instantaneous.
- There was no teleportation event, and there was no experiment. Edward Dudgeon comments that the Eldridge left Philadelphia bound for Norfolk via the Chesapeake-Delaware canal around 11:00 pm. The Engstrom (the ship Mr. Dudgeon served on) passed the Eldridge (returning to Philadelphia) on its way to Norfolk early the next morning. The Eldridge’s round trip is estimated at six hours. To the Merchant ships the same trip would take two days, as they did not use the same channel. Therefore they would perceive that it would be impossible for the Eldridge to complete the trip in the time elapsed. In other words, the Eldridge took a “short-cut” and now everybody thinks it teleported! [14]
Think Teleportation is only Science Fiction?
- Scientists achieve teleportation breakthrough
- Teleportation Physics Study
- Full body teleportation system Patent
- Scientists Just Teleported a Photon 500km from Earth to Orbit for the First Time
- New Quantum Teleportation Records Set in Canada and China
- Russia aims to develop ‘teleportation’ by 2035
- Scientists Just Teleported Information Over 100 km of fiber
“We no longer refer to it as Teleportation, we call it ITS: Instantaneous Transport System”
[1]Carlos Allende’s 2nd Letter to Morris Jessup
[2]Carlos Allende’s 3rd Letter to Morris Jessup
[3]“The Philadelphia Experiment” by Bill Moore & Charles Berlitz, Pg 248-249
[4]“The Philadelphia Experiment” by Bill Moore & Charles Berlitz, Pg 252
[5]“The Philadelphia Experiment” by Bill Moore & Charles Berlitz, Pg 250
[6]See “Effects of the Experiment on the Crew”
[7]“The Bermuda Triangle” by Charles Berlitz, Pg 93
[8]“Into Thin Air: People Who Disappear”, Pg 69
[9]“The Bermuda Triangle” Movie by Schick Sunn Classic Pictures
[10]“Anatomy of a Hoax: The Philadelphia Experiment Fifty Years Later” Pre release copy mailed to me by Jacques Vallée.
[11]Interviewed by George Pantoulas
[12]“The Philadelphia Experiment” by Bill Moore & Charles Berlitz, Pg 249
[13]See “A Matter of Time”
[14]“Anatomy of a Hoax: The Philadelphia Experiment Fifty Years Later” Pre-release copy mailed to me by Jacques Vallée.