Calvin Parker – Philip J. Klass File
November 8, 1919 – August 9, 2005
Philip Klass was a leading investigator of reports of unidentified flying objects in the late 60’s on. Philip was a hard-core skeptic who spent decades showing events could be explained by astronomical phenomena, man-made technology, and outright deception / fabrication.
Although he preferred not to be known as a debunker, because he claimed to be open to the possibility that a UFO report could turn out to be true, Klass was widely viewed among UFO enthusiasts to use deceptive tactics and skew the facts to discredit cases he investigated.
Philip wrote several books detailing his investigations, and also published the monthly “Skeptics UFO Newsletter.” He was one of the founders of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal and published several articles in its main publication, the “Skeptical Inquirer.”
“In nearly 30 years of searching, investigating famous cases, I have yet to find one that cannot be explained in down-to-earth prosaic terms,” Klass told interviewers for the PBS program “NOVA.”
Klass, in his last will and testament left a curse on the field of ufology saying:
“To ufologists who publicly criticize me, … or who even think unkind thoughts about me in private, I do hereby leave and bequeath: THE UFO CURSE: No matter how long you live, you will never know any more about UFOs than you know today. You will never know any more about what UFOs really are, or where they come from. You will never know any more about what the U.S. Government really knows about UFOs than you know today. As you lie on your own death-bed you will be as mystified about UFOs as you are today. And you will remember this curse.” (I wonder how supprised he would be to know the Navy has started to come forward.)
So we have a clearly dedicated hard core debunker in the fall of 1973 focused on exposing the Pascagoula UFO Abduction as nothing more than a bad sci-fi story. Later in 1975 he was deep into another well documented abduction case I personally believe of Travis Walton.
Philip Klass & Philip Mantle
“Klass’ m.o. included ad hominem attacks, smear campaigns, and frantic outbursts, detracting from his case against Walton and Rogers.” ~ Gaia Staff (Mar. 17th, 2018)
Below is the un-published article that Philip Klass wrote on the Pascagoula UFO Encounter. Interestingly Travis Walton (Fire In The Sky) also tells the story how Klass was relentlessly after him and his crew, and even at one point offering a bribe of $10,000 if one of the crew would admit it was all a hoax. For Klass to have a thick 183 page file on the Pascagoula Event shows how hard Klass tried to debunk Clavin and Charlie’s Encounter.
The Famous Pascagoula “UFO Abduction” Case And Dr. J. Allen Hynek
Further Reading About Philip Klass
Phil Klass did not even play well with other people in the field at the time. This fine piece of comic relief comes to us from Grant Cameron, found while scanning letters from Stanton Friedman’s archives.
Above from a Washington’s Top News Article
Various web pages that will help you gather a greater understanding on Philip Klass. (much to add, this is just starting point)
Wikipedia ~ Page on Philip Klass
Famous Iowans ~ Philip Klass Des Moines Register Article by Tom Longden
Biography. Philip Julian Klass
The FBI File ~ on “Philip Julian Klass” by Gary P. Posner
A Different Perspective ~ Philip Klass and the FBI (Dec 29th, 2012)
Inaccuracies and lies ~ Statements on the Linda Cortile case (Jun 5, 2015)
Extraterrestrials May Be Out There But He Says They’re Not Here by Gary P. Posner
- Interview with Philip J. Klass (1919–2005), the world’s leading UFO skeptic, was published in Skeptic magazine volume 7, number 4 in 1999.
Philip J. Klass Collection ~ The American Philosopical Society Library
- The Collection of Philip J. Klass, consist of 36 linear feet of materials documenting his writing and investigations of UFO sightings.
Skeptical Inquirer ~ Author: Philip J. Klass
- Various articles from the Skeptical Inquirer by Philip Klass
The Debunkers Domain ~ Robert Sheaffer’s Website with lots of Philip Klass historical documents
Downloadable Documents
Philip Klass Article – The above letter in PDF format
Full Philip Klass Case File – The entire 183 page full Philip Klass file on the Pascagoula UFO Encounter in PDF format. Please be patient as it’s 142MB which is a very large file of high-resolution scans. (You can read the file online below)

This book is the continuing research into the ‘close encounter’ event experienced by Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson on the Pascagoula River, Mississippi on the night of October 11th, 1973. It follows-on from Calvin Parker’s first and best-selling book ‘Pascagoula – The Closest Encounter’. After the first book was published the research did not stop, in fact it intensified. This book will feature the ‘smoking gun’ document known as the ‘puncture wound’ document which was located in the files of APRO. Does this one page type-written document confirm that both Hickson and Parker were ‘injected’ that night by the creatures that abducted them ? The book also has six transcripts of hypnosis sessions with both Parker and Hickson. The first is Calvin Parker under hypnosis literally just three days after the encounter. The second hypnosis session is with Budd Hopkins in 1993. The third hypnosis session is with Kathleen Marden on September 14th, 2019.
There are three transcripts of hypnosis sessions with the late Charles Hickson. They are from 1974, 1985 and 1989, the latter two again with Budd Hopkins. If you don’t like reading hypnosis transcripts then this book might not be for you.
The book also details for the very first time an array of first-hand eyewitnesses to UFOs in and around Pascagoula and elsewhere in Mississippi that night back in 1973. Published here for the first time are details from a first-hand independent eye-witness who was on the opposite side of the river that night. This witness puts his testimony on the record stating that he too saw the ‘humanoids’ and also witnessed the UFO taking off.
Last but not least, the author rounds the book off with an emotional look back at what has happened to him and the official unveiling of an historic marker unveiled by the Mayor in commemoration of what happened to Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker on October 11th, 1973. Like the previous book this one also utilizes an array of photographs, artwork, news cuttings, UFO magazine articles, letters and documents both old and new. Pascagoula-The Story Continues sheds yet more light onto one of ufology’s best document alien abduction accounts. This book also has a foreword by the veteran UK UFO researcher Philip Mantle, and an afterword by US scientist, UFO researcher and author Dr. Irena Scott.
Official Website of Calvin Parker and the Pascagoula Abduction Encounter