Calvin Parker – Further Research
About Calvin Parker
Calvin Parker (retired) has previously worked as a shipbuilder, construction worker and has worked on oil rigs in various parts of the world. He is one of the two witnesses to the alien abduction encounter on the Pascagoula River, Mississippi on October 11th, 1973. He is the best-selling author of ‘Pascagoula – The Closest Encounter’ and has now appeared or taken part in TV shows, radio shows, and podcasts in many parts of the world. He has ventured into the world of lecturing at UFO conventions and despite everything, he still remains a keen fisherman. He is now also the author of ‘Pascagoula – The Story Continues’.
Audio Recordings
Here are 15 Vintage audio recordings, some are hard to hear but are the only copies in existence. Please click on the two-letter tabs to change clips.
Fred Diamond, Sheriff of Pascagoula, MS, is Interviewed on the Radio (12/12/1973)
Pascagoula, MS Radio News Report (10/16/1973) Lie Detector Results
Authorities saying a Jackson County man who claimed he was taken aboard A spacecraft early this month was telling the truth as to what he believed Hapus Jackson County Sheriff’s Department chief deputy Farney Mathis, that a 2 1/2 hour lie detector test run by a New Orleans Perm affirmed that Sharon texted was telling the truth as to what he believed happened.
Clinton County Sheriff Brett Diamond. Is this this statement of the polygraph operator after the test. Attorney loan that school with Stephanie, Jack, Kenny. Sheriff’s Office date on October the 30th, 1973 conductor POLYGLASS examination on Charles takes.
Regarding the truthfulness of his statement that he saw his face ship free space creatures and was taken through his spaceship on October 11, 1973, painting the child takes over the trunk. When he seen in
#1. That he believes he saw his face here, #2 that he believed he was taking him and couldn’t face you and #3 that he believed he thought the three face.
With this, my second 213 October 1973 Samba Scott Grant Crow with by Marvin L Leonard, Assistant Manager Council, that was Jackson County Jail. Brett diamond. I’m Lance Burton for the Kevin Boyle report in Biloxi, Ms.
Partial transcript;
CALVIN: “ I got to get home and get to bed or get some nerve pills or see the doctor or something. I can’t stand it. I’m about to go half crazy.”
CHARLES: “ I tell you, when we’re through, I’ll get you something to settle you down so you can get some damn sleep.”
CALVIN: “ I can’t sleep yet like it is. I’m just damn near crazy.”
CHARLES: “ Well, Calvin, when they brought you out-when they brought me out of that thing, goddamn it I like to never in hell got you straightened out.
“My damn arms, my arms, I remember they just froze up and I couldn’t move. Just like I stepped on a damn rattlesnake.
“They didn’t do me that way.”
CALVIN: “ I passed out. I expect I never passed out in my whole life.”
CHARLES: “ I’ve never seen nothing like that before in my life. You can’t make people believe.”
CALVIN: “ I don’t want to keep sitting here. I want to see a doctor.”
CHARLES: “ They better wake up and start believing … they better start believing.”
CALVIN: “You see how that damn door come right up?”
CHARLES: “ I don’t know how it opened, son. I don’t know.”
CALVIN: “ It just laid up and just like that those sons of b*tches -just like that they come out.”
CHARLES: “ I know. You can’t believe it. You can’t make people believe it.”
CALVIN: “ I paralyzed right then. I couldn’t move.”
CHARLES: “ They won’t believe it. They gonna believe it one of these days. Might be too late. I knew all along they was people from other worlds up there. I knew all along. I never thought it would happen to me.”
CALVIN: “ You know yourself I don’t drink.
CHARLES: “ I know that, son. When I get to the house I’m gonna get me another drink, make me sleep. Look, what we sitting around for. I gotta go tell Blanche… what we waiting for?”
CALVIN (panicky): “ I gotta go to the house. I’m getting sick. I gotta get out of here.”
[Charlie leaves the room]CALVIN: “ It’s hard to believe . . . Oh God, it’s awful… I know there’s a God up there…”
Charles Hickson’s Statement on UFOs, Extraterrestrials and his Abduction (1974)
Pascagoula UFO Encounter – MS Sheriff Department interview of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker on 10/11/1973

Charles Hickson, and Calvin Parker Jr. (1973) Credit: Jonny Dillon
Charles Hickson is interviewed by Dr. James Harder
Chuck Burgess, Pascagoula, MS Newspaper Reporter is Interviewed by Kevin Doyle on Radio
Sheriff, Fred Diamond Comments on the Hickson / Parker Abduction Investigation
Charles Hickson Interviewed and Comments by Dr. J. Allen Hynek in October 1974.

J. Allen Hynek Newspaper Clipping
Calvin Parker Hypnosis Audio Clip from 1974.

Calvin Parker in 1973
Dick Cavett Show on UFOs – Charles Hickson Interview 11-2-1973
Charles Hickson Interviewed in Jackson, MS (1999)

Charles Hickson holds a drawing of his 1973 UFO abduction
“The Pascagoula UFO” Song by Kenny Webb. Released: 1973

Calvin Parker & Kenny Webb July/2021
“Black Water, Blue Moon” Song by Johnny Cobb & Jerry McCoy

Johnny Cobb & Jerry McCoy
Fleetwood Mac – Hypnotized A song largely inspired by the events on the Pascagoula River on October 11 1973
Bob Welch was a guitarist and vocalist in Fleetwood Mac from 1971-1974. He wrote this song and it was released in 1973. The song was on the album Mystery To Me album.
“Those two guys in Pascagoula, Mississippi, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker had just reported on a major UFO encounter, and it was all over the TV for a while. Part of that went into ‘Hypnotized.’ Mick copied my Maestro Rhythm Machine part for ‘Hypno’ almost exactly … Mick’s sense of tempo, in this day before drum machines, was almost perfect … ‘Hypnotized’ was primarily inspired by [Carlos] Castaneda’s books, the Hickson Pascagoula UFO sighting, some stories told to me by friends, and some personal experiences.”
That Night in Pascagoula by Don Smith
#donsmithmusic today is the 50th anniversary of the Pascagoula UFO abduction. This is a song and video I created to recognize that .
Other Videos
Here you will find various historical and other video clips not found on other parts of the site.
Charles Hickson talks about his UFO sighting and alien abduction in Pascagoula, October 11, 1973
Pascagoula UFO Abduction 1973 News Story
Charles Hickson’s family talks about the Pascagoula UFO encounter, October 11, 1973
Bright light which was said to be a UFO, and an intreview with one of two men who say they were take
Charles Hickson talks about the Pascagoula UFO incident and his alien abduction experience, 1973
UFO expert Philip Mantel claims he’s unearthed brand new evidence to prove ‘alien abduction’
“In Contact” The Pascagoula UFO Abduction. Directed by Charles Hickson
Pascagoula Alien Abduction of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker on October 11, 1973
Research Links
Below is a list of links to information to further explore The Pascagoula UFO Encounter / Abduction case. This page is in its early stages of development, and please check back from time to time.
- General information about the case
All They Meant to Do Was Go Fishing
- NICAP Transcript from the interview by Sheriff Fred Diamond and Captain Glen Ryder on night of the encounter
Interview With New Pascagoula ’73 Witness
- Discussion with Mike Cataldo, witness to Pascagoula UFO (October, 2001)
UFO Expert Unearths Brand New ‘Smoking Gun’ Evidence
- Includes Puncture Marks Examination Report (February 18th, 2019)
MUFON Case Report (Waiting for an updated link)
- Includes some transcripts from the Secrete Police Recording
Official Website of Calvin Parker and the Pascagoula Abduction Encounter