Power generating building (which contains 4 locomotive-sized diesel generators)
Montauk as seen from Google Maps
AN/FPS-35 Radar Tower and Antenna
Power generating building (which contains 4 locomotive-sized diesel generators)
Montauk #N28
Montauk #N25
Montauk #12
Filled Underground Access
Montauk #N29
Montauk #N04
Montauk #04
Reno Gazette Journal (Nov,11,1999)
Camp Hero Section Sign
Montauk #N13
Montauk Closing 21stAD Newspaper
Montauk #N33
The AN/FPS-35 at Montauk was the last to operate in Jan 1981 and the radar tower is the only one that still has an antenna on the roof and contains some of the radar set equipment and cabinets