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The Philadelphia Experiment From A-Z

Andrew H. Hochheimer

Some various pictures from my travels (Canada, USA, UK, Egypt, Russia, Germany, Greece, Turkey, ect.) and TV Filming. I have many pictures of interest to still add, enjoy! 

EVE ~ TallenAtear, WOW ~ TallenAtear

World Of Warships Free to Play

I was invited by World of Warships as a VIP on their “Anchors Away Tour Stop 4: HMCS Haida” event on 08/30/2019, To talk about the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943. Here is some random photos I am sure you can figure out who’s in them if you play World of Warships. Hope you like the pictures from the event.

A Supporter of Space Exploration & Historical Preservation


Andrew Hochheimer's USS Slater Membership Card

Supporting the restoration of the last Destroyer Escort
afloat in the USA, I also Volunteer (Historical Research)

Mufon Canada Member Andrew Hochheimer

Supporting the scientific study of Ufology,
Founding Member

Sea Shepherd Direct Action Crew Member

Sea Shepherd Direct Action Crew Member
Supporting an international marine conservation organization
that uses direct action to defend, conserve and protect our ocean.

Supporting the restoration of a Castle in Scotland,
Landowner on castle grounds

The Monuments Men Foundation Member Andrew Hochheimer

Supporting the Return of Looted Art From WWII
The Monuments Men Foundation

The Planetary Society Member Card

Supporting Space Exploration

My Name Is On The Europa Clipper

In support of NASA’s efforts to explore Europa, My Name will be etched onto microchips mounted on the Europa Clipper’s spacecraft, and will travel 1.8 billion miles to the Jupiter system.

2024 Moon Andrew Hochheimer Boarding Pass
Mars 2020 Andrew Hochheimer

In support of NASA’s efforts to explore Mars, My Name is loaded on the Mars Perseverance rover, which reached the surface on February 18th, 2021.

SETI at Home Andrew Hochheimer

Supporting the Search for Extraterrestrial Life (SETI) I donated Processing Time for 20 years to process data for the Arecibo Radio Observatory.

The Planetary Society Member
The Planetary Society Member

Time Capsule On the Moon

My Story will be laser-etched onto a nano-fiche disc made of space-age polymers to withstand the radiation and temperature of the moon for over a Billion Years without losing its data.

The LUNAPRISE will catch a ride with SpaceX on the Falcon 9 rocket in January of 2022 and, delivered to the lunar surface via Nova C-Lander. “We no longer refer to it as Teleportation, we call it ITS: Instantaneous Transport System” DE173.COM Support This Site Einstein Meeting With The Navy, 1943

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