Al Bielek Debunked
Dear fellow “Philadelphia Experiment” fans, you will find enclosed in these pages verifiable facts published for the first time that will conclude a long term investigation into the so-called “PX” experiment but more specifically into the claims made by one Alfred Bielek.
Alfred Bielek passed away in October 2011, but his name will remain associated with the Philadelphia Experiment. Thus, he has become a part of the legend himself, like Carlos Allende and Morris K. Jessup.
Mr. Bielek gained a degree of public recognition for the first time with his well-known testimony at the MUFON conference in 1990. At that time he stated that he was a true eyewitness and participant to the Philadelphia Experiment. The facts published here will clearly demonstrate that Mr. Bielek, as well as his companions Preston Nichols and Duncan Cameron, willfully crafted one of the biggest hoaxes to spread from the internet.
According to his own records, Bielek has been on over 50 radio talk shows and a featured speaker at over 40 conferences. We will outline in the body of our presentation the following re-evaluation of Al Bielek.
- He never participated in the PX
- He never witnessed the PX
- He was no where near the PX test when it occurred
- He has changed the nature of his story many times over the years with additions, embellishments, deletions and wholesale fabrication of events
- He has stated historical events that can be completely verified to be totally false
These points are a sampling of what we will present in our report. What remains amazing is that Bielek’s story was widely accepted by the media and his ‘fan community’ without criticism. People of all backgrounds were quick to repeat his quotes, often just borrowing them from someone else’s web page, without checking the claims or presenting any critical analysis of whether they ‘could’ be true. The most astute observer and researcher of the PX is Marshall Barnes. He has been doing a thorough investigation of the Philadelphia Experiment since the early ’90’s. Barnes asked basic questions that no one else thought pertinent and with time he began to find great discrepancies with Bielek’s claims. Starting from a basic dissatisfaction with Bielek’s so-called “facts”, observing that not one claim was supported by a “hard evidence” [which means that it can be verified] Marshall began a large-scale investigation. Eventually, a small number of people joined Marshall in his endeavors and the result of this long-term research is this report.
Among this group of researchers were Marshall Barnes (USA), Fred Houpt (CAN) and Gerold Schelm (GER), making this investigation a real international event. Our group effort can demonstrate that the claims of Al Bielek and his companions is nothing short of very impressive media manipulation, disinformation, partially correct data mixed into fabrications and completely false statements. Where there will always be those of the opinion that Bielek’s media circus is the creation of a government-guided operation, what we can say with certainty is that to some degree it has been a profitable venture for Bielek and friends. Whether they were selling hokum and malarkey never seemed to stop the curious and naïve from buying tapes and videos and attending conferences.
The fact is that the one factor missing for over a decade is a step by step deconstruction of the PX-Bielek saga as it was told by Al Bielek. We have accomplished that and we are confident that his version, his story, does not hold up to severe scrutiny. The references used for this presentation are the common transcripts of some speeches and interviews given by Al Bielek, which are still accessible on the internet. Additionally, we make reference to the content of Al Bielek’s own web site, www.bielek.com, which has presented the photo material referred to in this report. Often, we use Al Bielek’s own data to point out where he has either lied, mixed and matched bits and pieces of the real story or else just made up a great deal of nonsense. When we say that someone has ‘lied’, we are required to show evidence for the accusation. We have documentary evidence showing Bielek lying on several of the main subjects and the source is emails and official documents, which we have provided as part of the report.
The facts presented on these pages were collected by Marshall Barnes, Fred Houpt and Gerold Schelm.
Al Bielek – Where did he come from?
For many people, Al Bielek virtually fell from the sky in 1989, when he outed himself as a survivor of the Philadelphia Experiment. Little is known about what Bielek was doing in the decades before. Almost everything of his vita stems from his own interviews, and – as we proved here on this website – is a mixture of historical facts, biographical data taken from other persons and a huge amount of fantasy.
Now we will show you some milestones of the real-life of Al Bielek, which will also make it more understandable, how this man got involved in UFO and ELF research and – after meeting some other well-known fellows – how they started developing the storyboard of what they presented in the early 90ties as their allegedly involvement in the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project.
Back to the family roots: 1927
Searching for the roots of Al Bielek, we found him listed as having lived in Scottsdale Arizona at 6749 Lewis Ave. with an Albertina H. Bielek in recent years. Other mail addresses were Smyrna Georgia at P.O. Box 1672, Phoenix Arizona at P.O. Box 44932 , Prescott Arizona at P.O. Box 1446, and in Orlando Florida at 5631 BV zip code 32839. Mrs. Albertina Bielek passed away in December 1988. Another family member was listed as Edward R. Bielek, born 19 November 1917, who’s last residential address was Phoenix, Maricopa, too. Mr. Edward Bielek died in November 1994. The name of this Edward R. Bielek (most likely his uncle) may have inspired Bielek to choose the same name for his alias which he then used for his stories – Edward Cameron.
Taking these pieces of information together with what he said in an 1997 interview conducted by Kenneth Burke at the Global Sciences Congress, Daytona Beach, Florida, we were able to track down his real family roots. This is, what Bielek said about his parents:
“BIELEK: He was also regressed back to a fetus; yes, the whole nine yards. I was reduced only to approximately a one-year-old boy. Why they stopped at this point, I don’t know. I think part of the process they intended to put me through was subverted or failed. I know Dr. von Neumann interfered with it at one point. So, I was sent back to 1927 as approximately a one-year-old boy, because, my legal parents, whom I knew as my only parents for many years (Albertina Bielek, maiden name Kurchess, and my father Arthur E. Bielek) were the only parents I knew. I was totally wiped as memory, and I grew up as a kid, literally from a baby but, at the age of one by the birth certificate, which said March 31, 1927, by Christmas, I would have been nine months old.”
Bielek misspelled the maiden name of his mother, which is Kirches. However, at Ancestry.com (and taken from the Jachowski/Kiefer/Schmidt Genealogy), we found his family listed (on the right)
Born obviously in New York (because his father Arthur was born in New York and Al Bielek’s Social Security Number, which begins with 089-20-XXXX, was issued in the State of NY. For legal reasons, we may not show his full SSN here), he later moved from place to place, but spent many years in Arizona and Florida.
This was taken from his 1997 interview at the Global Science Congress, when Bielek talked about himself being regressed and put back into the body of a child:
“My first memory in that family was as a kid sitting at mother’s grand piano next to a Christmas tree so high. I was sitting next to it, and they had the family around exchanging presents. It was a family get-together in Jamaica, New York. I finally was able to pull the memories back and remembered the fact that I understood everything they were saying. Now, since when does a less than one-year-old child understand what adults are saying? A few things blanked out. Certain things were said and didn’t register or blanked out. The people who were there, of course, I knew later. I grew up with them. I knew exactly who they were – various aunts, uncles, cousins, brother of my legal mother, and so forth. Well, I grew up knowing nothing of my past. I was Al Bielek. I was very heavily repressed in many respects…”
Bielek and the US Navy 1939-1941
Asked about his allegedly career in the US Navy, Bielek answered repeatedly, that he (then as Edward Cameron) and his brother Duncan Cameron were entering service in September 1939, and, after a 90-days course, both were sent onboard of the USS Pennsylvania (BB 38). A investigation into this subject didn’t turned up any evidence or proof, the National Archives weren’t able to locate any documents about an Edward or Duncan Cameron for the time specified by Al Bielek. For details see Al Bielek’s Faked Family Album. For his own history as Al Bielek, he never came up with any proof or details if he ever served the United States Armed Forces at all, and without his service number and any details of his military career (if there was one), nothing reliable can be said about this chapter of his life.
Bielek and Ivan Terence Sanderson: 1952 – 1963
We found this piece of an internet chat posted in 1999 on a web page by Eugenia Macer-Story (a known adept in the field of ufology and supernatural phenomena):
“CHIT: In this particular passage Ivan Sanderson is discussing the possible validity of the Trevor James Constable [ameboid, aerial “critters”] photographs, and mentions: “Another engineer — Al Bielek — expressed doubts, but so far no professional photographer has proved the negatives to be fakes.”
CHAT: “Well, well and my, my. Is this “our” Al Bielek? The Montauk Bielek? If so, it would seem he was in the UFO milieu longer than I had suspected.”
Macer-Story continues: “Since Ivan Sanderson died of brain cancer in 1975, this would mean that Al Bielek was active as a skeptic in the anomalies arena fully thirteen years before he suddenly emerged into the “ufo research” viewscope, claiming to have traveled in time.“
What Macer-Story confesses, that “these ‘Internet Chat’ statements cannot be proven and have the total significance of ghosts chatting at night beside a cold radiator”, it was a hint to look into a possible connection between Ivan T. Sanderson and Al Bielek.
Macer-Story was not fully correct here, Sanderson was already dead by 1973. However, if it occurred as she described it, then Macer-Story was correct and Bielek indeed had not fallen from the sky in terms of research into UFO’s and the PX, as he has long tried to convince his audience ever since he announced himself a survivor in 1989.
Continuing with the same 1997 interview:
“…I went into the Navy, came out, went into my own business, and eventually left that and went to school. I moved to California, finished school, and became an electronic engineer from 1958 through 1988. I retired in 1988 but, during that period, I developed a very passionate interest in the ‘Philadelphia Experiment.’ I had no reason to know why at that point. In 1952, I met Ivan T. Sanderson, who did his own investigation into the “Philadelphia Experiment” in 1952 and 1953. Then, I moved west and recontacted him 10 years later in 1963, when I was working in State College, Pennsylvania.“
In this quotation of his 1997 interview, Bielek said, that he knew Ivan T. Sanderson, who is another very interesting person speaking in terms of the Philadelphia Experiment.
And actually, Bielek himself claimed here for the second time that he that he knew Sanderson as from the early 50ties. For first time he talked about knowing Sanderson in his in his 1990 MUFON speech:
“Ivan T. Sanderson– he never wrote a book on the subject, died in 1973 — was very interested in the Philadelphia Experiment himself; in fact some of his final material wound up in Moore’s hands and that’s where Moore did get some of his research material. But where he basically got the information he obtained, I don’t know. Other than some interviews, an interview someplace along the line with Allende and whomever else. I never talked with Moore, and I don’t know where he got his source, or his sources of information.”
Why Bielek’s relationship to Ivan T Sanderson is of interest to us is for the simple fact that Bielek repeatedly claims that his memories about his involvement in the PX flashed back to him only after he had seen the motion picture “The Philadelphia Experiment” back in 1988.This comment seems very unreliable and is in complete conflict with his own admission (in an interview in 1997) that Sanderson had been investigating the circumstances and background of the PX as early as 1952/53. We know as well that Bielek and Sanderson were friends and it is much more probable that Sanderson shared his PX research with Bielek as far back as 1952.
In his book ‘UNINVITED VISITORS’ (first print 1967 by Cowles Education Corporation, New York), Sanderson wrote about his thoughts and findings concerning the Philadelphia Experiment, mainly in reference to the Allende Letters. It should also be mentioned here, that Ivan T. Sanderson was befriended with Morris K. Jessup, and therefore had (until Jessup’s death in 1959) first class access to the story background. Some people of Jessup’s inner circle claimed repeatedly after his death, that in 1958 Jessup gave his original annotated version of ‘The Case for the UFO, to his close friend Sanderson, imploring him to read it, then lock it up for safe keeping incase anything should happen to him. Sanderson was repeatedly asked who had this book, he refused to say.
Just a reminder: Bielek claimed that although he knew of the PX, he had up to that time only a slight interest in it; all of this supposedly changes in 1988 when he watches the Hollywood movie of the PX. The fact that Bielek claims that Sanderson was very interested in the PX proves to some degree that Bielek and Sanderson had talked about Sanderson’s PX research, long before he died in 1973. Moore and Berlitz released their PX book in 1978, which was 10 years before Bielek shows open interest in the subject. This is odd in light of how stimulating and informative the Moore/Berlitz book is. However, Bielek was so familiar with Sanderson’s findings, that he stated “in fact some of his final material wound up in Moore’s hands and that’s where Moore did get some of his research material.” How else could Bielek have known that Sanderson had given Moore research material if he had not been previously familiar with Sanderson’s work, long before Berlitz and Moore write their book in 1978.
Bielek and his former employers: 1956
In the very same interview, he gave some details about his past life and the jobs he’d had.
“LE: During this time, before you had awareness unfolding about your interaction with the government, didn’t they have you doing anything?
BIELEK: Not until sometime around 1956. I was in Hawaii working for the Navy department in 1956 as a civilian employee through Hoffman Electronics of Los Angeles and was assigned to Pearl Harbor. I was there a little over a year.”
Hoffman Electronics of Los Angeles indeed was and is a real existing company. The current internet address is http://www.navcom.com. The company changed their name to NavCom Defense Electronics, Inc. Hoffman Electronics was established in 1932, and nowadays is a high quality design and manufacturer of navigation systems, altimetry systems and test equipment for the Department of Defense. Locations include its Corporate headquarters and design and manufacturing facility in El Monte, California and a low cost manufacturing and repair facility in Warner Robins, Georgia. When we tried to verify if Bielek ever worked for Hoffman, the company told us that they no longer have records that go back to the 1950’s anymore.
Another interesting fact not widely known is that in 1962, the Hoffman Electronics Corporation ran a series of six science fiction stories as advertisements in Scientific American and other magazines: Two by Isaac Asimov and one each by A.E. van Vogt, Fritz Leiber, Frank Riley, and Robert Heinlein. But before 1962, there was an older possible connection to the Philadelphia Experiment. As soon as the United States entered World War II, Heinlein stopped writing, though stories of his continued to appear through 1942. From 1942 until 1945, he worked as a civilian engineer in the Materials Laboratory of the Naval Air Material Center at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Two other science fiction writers, L. Sprague de Camp and Isaac Asimov, also worked there, the interviews that got them their jobs being arranged by Heinlein. Heinlein has said that at first he was in charge of a high altitude laboratory in which work was later done in developing pressure suits. The bulk of Heinlein’s work during the war, however, involved projects in the test and design of naval aircraft materials, parts and accessories. After the end of the war, Heinlein returned to California where he began to write again. It was at this time that he was divorced from his first wife.
Bielek and his former Employers 1972/1973
On a now defunct message board (http://valentinesdesigns.com/wwwboard/), somebody who wanted to stay anonymous after we contacted him, posted this message about Al Bielek: (Note: The board was closed years ago, but parts of it still are accessible through the internet archive)
Posted by Former Chicagoan info on Al Bielek on March 02, 1991 at 10:35:04:
If the Montauk Al Bielek is the fellow who I think he is, I recall working with him in Chicago in the 1970’s at a company called the Vapor Corporation where he contracted as an Engineer.
He was pretty caught up in Government Cover-up research at that time and had one story after another about Plots, UFO’s, SETI and you name it. I think he was modeling himself after Sherman Skolnik, another Chicago “once upon a time” researcher. This particular Al seemed wrapped up in worries that Rockerfeller was going to be appointed President after Nixon ousted himself. Nice enough guy and interesting to listen to, but I’m afraid he didn’t look to me like he was zapped into this space-time continuum, nor someone who had walked the surface of mars. I think Al just got a little too close to his own stories.
Just my $.02
This Chicagoan later replied on a request we posted to him on that specific board, and told us some more details about his time with Al Bielek:
In Reply to: Re: Al Bielek posted by fred on March 02, 1991 at 11:31:40:
I’ve little more to add to my first post other than I find his story pretty hard to believe, but it sure seems like a logical progression for Al from what I recall of his interests at the time we spoke many years ago. He was into underground bases and gov’t / et plots for as long as I knew him. I think it was around 1972-1973 time frame. I did a search and found a pic of Al and I’m pretty sure he’s the one.
Don’t bother emailing to above, it’s bogus. If you have any specific questions just post em here.
Now, this person wanted to stay anonymous, however, we tracked down that Vapor company and found it to be real. Some more details about this company from the anonymous Chicagoan, which we verified and found to be reliable:
Posted by Jess_Sumguy on March 03, 1991 at 18:55:08:
In Reply to: Re: Al Bielek posted by Fred on March 03, 1991 at 17:51:06:
Vapor Corporation was in Niles IL. They made door openers for subways, etc. The division I worked at was the VapAir division, which manufactured temperature controllers for Govt contracts. Al was consulting as an EE when I was there. I think they were bought out by Sunstrand in ’73 or so and moved to Rolling Meadows IL. Lost touch with them thereafter as I was busy with my own career and raising a family.
I haven’t seen Al’s website, I’ll have to look around for it. I’ve read through a bunch of the ASCII stuff floating around Usenet. Never had a opportunity to say anything before stumbling upon this site, but have been reading about Al for the past couple years as he’s mentioned in various places.
Hey! If I had a method to get people to pay me $45 a go at listening to one of my “once upon a time and this is no sh*t” stories, I’d be doing it too. More power to him. Caveat Emptor – everyone has to exercise his or her own wisdom in deciding if someone is the real thing or not. I tend towards the open minded side, but someone has to jump some pretty high hurtles to get me to go slack jawed in awe. As I said, Al was pretty interesting to talk to, but he did have a liking for the mysterious which I think is the trigger for the tales. Perhaps he believes it all (which I guess would mean he was telling the truth in his own reality). There are a couple other fellows involved in the narratives I’ve seen, so perhaps they’ve all just keyed off one another’s desire for adventure. Dunno. One think I did sense when I spoke to Al was that he truly wanted to know the truth about such things, felt it was imperative that people should tell the truth, and I’d be awfully disappointed if I knew he was purveying something other than that.
BTW, while I’m waxing philosophic, I’ve read a lot of messages on this board and aside for the usual nasty trolls, there seems to be a lot of folks truly hoping its all true. For the couple folks that are struggling with the negativity, the Internet spawns such stuff – the more attention you call to it, the bigger and nastier it grows. Just brush it aside like the dandruff it is and focus on the positive.
This anonymous fellow told a lot of details about the company and his time with Al Bielek, which makes it sound quite reliable. And he told us his point of view about why Al Bielek was telling his stories to other people: “Perhaps he believes it all (which I guess would mean he was telling the truth in his own reality).
The interesting thing to note is that Bielek, according to “Jess Sumguy” was heavily interested in “the scene”, of UFO/government cover-ups, back in the early 70’s. We can assume that Bielek was not unacquainted with fringe interests almost 20 years before he makes his appearance on the PX lecture scene. He got away with this ruse because no one else knew of his background and no one asked any questions.
Bielek and the Pacific Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 1979/1980
Another hint about what Al Bielek was working on in the late 70ties came to us by a book about the life of Nikola Tesla, written in german language. The german title is “Nikola Tesla – Genius of our Future”, the ISBN number is 3-922367-60-7, issued 1994 by the German VAP-Verlag, Wiesbaden. In this book, the author mentioned the 1982 USPA conference, during which Bielek talked about the research of ELF phenomena, which were detected in July 1979 in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Bielek talked about his work together with William Bise, who was the first one to detect the famous ‘Woodpecker Signal”. Bielek and Bise became friends and shared their interests in studying ELF phenomena along the N.W. USA. Although the General Counsel of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington, Mrs. Karen L. Hoewing, couldn’t confirm in an email I received from her on 9 April, 2001, that Al Bielek himself ever was employed by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory between 1977 and 1980, his presence as speaker of the USPA conferences of 1980 and 1981 prove, that he was working close together with Bill Bise. The audio tapes of those conferences can still be ordered at the USPA.
Bise, who was by then the director of the Pacific Northwest for the study of non-ionizing radiation, in Portland, Oregon, compiled data on the alteration of behaviour as caused by ELF electro-magnetic radiation. The report is called “Radio-frequency Induced Interference Responses in the Human Nervous System”. It was conducted on 10 human volunteers between July 1975 and June 1976. It states that “biological interference responses in the human nervous system can be elicited (caused) not only by pulse-modulated but by continuous wave radio-frequency at power densities substantially below those levels that exist in a typical urban environment”. In the last section of the Bise report he suggested that since approximately 5% of the urban population of the U.S. was believed to be living in an environmental power density, his findings indicate “a meaningful risk factor for the general population appears to exist”.
This was one of the first studies on what later became known as “electro smog” and continued with the discussion of possible hazards caused by cell phones. The title of Bise’s report makes one think about the application of continuous wave radio-frequencies and their effects on the brain. In other words, Bise’s work is based on what later became the subject of intense research and what eventually came to be known as mind-control experiments. This arrow leads to the Montauk scenario. Since Bielek was working closely with Bise we can safely assume that he would have been introduced at this time to the concept of mind control using high energy radiation.In the NBC Magazine with David Brinkley, dated July 16, 1981 (No. 47592) Brinkley wrote: “It is known the Russians are working hard on controlling the human mind by remote electronic means. …As I say I find it hard to believe, it is crazy and none of us here know what to make of it: the Russian Government is known to be trying to change human behavior by external electronic influences. We do know that much. And we know that some kind of Russian transmitter is bombarding this country with extreme low frequency radiowaves. “ Garrick Utley: …The theory is the fact that the brain does emit electronic energy energy which can be harnessed and used. And, by the same token, the electronic field of the brain can be interfered with in order to change-affect human behavior, attitudes, opinions. …To what extent can you disrupt the mental process, the brain through the use of electronic fields, microwaves? William Bise, radio engineer, “Well I would think that the easiest way to do it would be with microwaves. “
Bielek and the USPA: 1975 to 1998
When looking for the Pacific Northwest National Lab, I found more stuff about Wiliam Bise, who worked with Al Bielek together at least in the years 1979 and 1980. Both are listed together as speakers for the 1980 and 1981 USPA Conference, and Bielek continued giving lectures at the USPA, for the last time in 1998. This was confirmed to me on 16 April, 2001 by an email from Robert Beutlich, Secretary and Treasurer of the USPA:
“Al Bielek attended the initial conference held in 1975 in Indianapolis, IN. and was a charter member. His first lecture was a joint presentation with Bill Bise, audio tape # D-7,1980, “A Magnetic Pacer”. In 1981 Bise/Bielek presented Measurements of ELF & It’s Parameters, audio tape # E-10 Did not list the Labs from which they both came, do not know as a matter of record. He also presented in following years : 1985 tape# J-12; 1990, tape# P-3; 1991 Tape# Q-6a and 1998,Tape#Y-12 and Y-26. He attended other years but did not present a paper, but have no record of those, only personal recollection. Preston Nichols lectured from ’83 to ’88 and then in ’91, he came as an individual presented, not from any institute/org. to the best of my knowledge.”
Bielek and the 1984 movie “The Philadelphia Experiment”
Now back to Bielek and what he has to say about how he got notice of the 1984 movie “The Philadelphia Experiment”.
This is taken from his 1997 interview:
“It’s an interesting thing that the first time I went public with the story in the lectures was in Phoenix, Arizona, 1989. I had only become aware of my involvement in 1988. It was all blanked out in the meantime. There was a very thorough job of brainwashing, believe me, but it finally broke through. It broke through in January 1988, when I watched HBO late one Saturday night. I had never seen the movie, ‘The Philadelphia Experiment.’ Of course, it had gone through the regular movie circuits before that, and I’d seen the dockets in the local movie in the town I was in at that time, Sedona, Arizona. The docket was ‘The Philadelphia Experiment.’ (Editors Note: The movie “The Philadelphia Experiment” was released for US movie theaters on 1 August, 1984.) I was only there a week and, for some reason, I didn’t go. I didn’t see it again. Then, it went into the video format, and EMI Thorn took it over and got the rights to put it on video from the producers, and they started showing it. So, that night on HBO at 4 a.m., they announced that the next feature of the evening would be “The Philadelphia Experiment.” Well, I was about to go to bed, but I said, no, because I wanted to watch it. I’d heard so much about it.”
Sedona in Arizona is not that far away from Scottsdale, only 130 Miles and only 60 Miles away from Prescott, so that is well in the vicinity of the addresses where he was listed as having been a resident together with his mother Albertina Bielek. This next quotation is taken from the transcript of the 1990 MUFON speech, which was transcribed October 12, 1991 by Clay Tippen (corrected by Rick Andersen in October 1992), and refers to the Q&A; part after Bielek’s speech:
“QUESTION: How about the movie?”
“ANSWER: The movie is produced by EMI Thorn. Thorn Industries existed from the turn, well sometime in the 19th century, 1820-1830. It was the company in England that produced scientific instruments for England and for Europe. It was taken over in 1850 by the Wilson Brothers, who inherited it from their mother. And they were in it until sometime after the turn of the century, when they died. In the 1980’s– late ’70’s early ’80’s– I don’t know the exact date, but there was a merger between Thorn Industries and EMI Corporation. An electromagnetic industries which EMI label and records are very well-known in England, and here, and all over the world. There was a merger. Who bought who out? I don’t know. And they decided they were going to do a movie. They decided on doing the Philadelphia Experiment!
… In February of 1989, I was in New York, along with my brother, and a gentleman by the name of Preston Nichols, who did a presentation to the New York Chapter of the USPA, the United States Psychotronics Association (Clarence Robinson, president). He did the Phoenix Project, and I did the Philadelphia Experiment, and a video tape was made of this thing privately. We knew there was somebody there filming. It was not for release later.”
The story I was given, quite a few months later, by Preston, was rather interesting. He said along about July, he was visited one night in his lab. Somebody knocked on the door. They said, ‘Preston Nichols?’ ‘Yes!’ ‘I am Bill… so & so from EMI Thorn Industries in England. I am their chief archivist. I thought you would like to know the story.’ He said, ‘We’ve been looking for you, for quite some time.’ He says, ‘What do you mean you’ve been looking for me.’ He said, ‘I can show you why.’ And he showed him a picture, taken of a family portrait of the Wilson brothers in 1890, along with a third party, Aleister Crowley.
He is quite well-known to people in Metaphysics, regardless of what you think of him. He was apparently a very heavy investor in the corporation, and he lived until the fifties, 1950, and a fourth party. The fourth party was a picture of my friend Preston, looking approximately ten years older than he does now. He said, ‘We had this picture when we saw the video tape of you in New York giving this presentation; we knew we had finally found you.’ He says, ‘Can I have the picture?’ He said, ‘No.’ He says, ‘Well what’s the story?’ He said, ‘The story is, that Crowley said that you were not of this time.’ (Referring to 1890.) ‘You were out of the FUTURE! And you gave us the entire story of the Philadelphia Experiment, and it has been in our archives since 1890! We’ve known the story, we have now only decided, recently,’ that’s 1983 approximately, ‘to produce it.’
Well, they went to the U.S. government to film on Long Island, because they knew that the other terminal was on Long Island at Montauk. The U.S. government totally refused to allow them near the place. That’s when they went over to Wendover, Utah for the other terminal of the ’84, as they called it, experiment. I know Wendover, Utah, because I worked in Salt Lake City and I went out to Wendover a number of times; that’s the old Wendover Air Force Base, which was used during World War II extensively. But that is, Believe it or Not (Ripley would’ve loved this one), the story of how they got the script, or the basic material to write the script of the Philadelphia Experiment. They embellished it of course. He admitted to this. They added things to make this a more interesting story. The love angle, the trips into California and so forth. So a good part of this was fiction, but the basic story was fact, which they expanded to make the movie.”
Now, the interesting fact here is, that Al Bielek claimed here that he was working in Salt Lake City and went out to Wendover, which are exactly the same locations, where the 1984 movie with Michael Pare was produced in 1983/1984.
But how does this match with his later (1997) statements, that he didn’t know much about the Philadelphia Experiment and that his interest in this subject only began in 1988? This looks odd again because we just read, that Bielek has been in Salt Lake City and seems to be quite familiar with the background of the making of “The Philadelphia Experiment”.
In his 1990 MUFON speech, Bielek gave a statement about where he lived and worked around that time:
“QUESTION: Yes! You said that in 1943 you went to ’83, and back to ’43. And when you came to with your memory in ’88, it would show that in this particular dimension you were possibly somewhere else in ’83…. Do you know what I am saying? You were in two places in ’83.
ANSWER: True. In 1983, I as Alfred Bielek was working in Los Angeles, California. I was a little far removed from the East Coast.
Al Bielek’s famous MUFON speech
On January 13, 1990, the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) of the USA held a meeting at the MUFON Metroplex in Dallas, TX. One of the speakers was an Al Bielek. He started his speech with these words:
“As announced, my name is Alfred Bielek, I am a survivor of the Philadelphia Experiment. I am going to ask before really starting: Out of the people who are here, how many of you really know what the Philadelphia Experiment, so called, was really all about?…”
Of course, at that time, which I’d like to call the pre-Bielek time, not many people were aware of that secret US Navy Experiment, which was conducted in 1943. And, of course most of the attendees were interested in UFO and government conspiracy-related information. However, Bielek’s speech of the 1990 MUFON conference has become a legend. By September of 1989, Al Bielek had made his first step into the light when he was a guest speaker at Timothy Beckley Green’s UFO – New Age Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, as an allegedly surviving crewman of the experimental ship. His story was quickly taken up by Beckley Green’s “Inner Light Publications”, which publishes Green’s books, Brad Steiger and Commander X on UFOs, alien earth bases and secret government cover-ups. His claims were spread soon by rumors and turned out to be a good preparation for Bielek’s main media coup, which occurred in January 1990 at the MUFON Conference.
The main reference for this chapter is the transcript of Al Bielek’s famous MUFON speech, which he held at the MUFON Metroplex on Saturday, January 13, 1990 in Dallas, Texas. The file was originally contributed by Clay Tippen as he transcribed it on October 12, 1991.
This is the first and most complete version of Al Bielek’s story and it refers to much detailed information about the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project. Later interviews were more concentrated on the Montauk Project (see: interview conducted by Susanne Konicov from CONNECTING LINK, 1992), and we will see how Bielek changed some of the details throughout the years.
In his speech at the MUFON conference, Bielek ran through the background story of the Philadelphia Experiment, claiming, that it started back in 1931 or 32 in the Chicago area. According to Bielek, the main scientists involved in this early stage of development were Nikola Tesla, Dr. John Hutchinson and an Austrian scientist named Kirtenauer (the spelling of that name changed several times to Kurtenauer and Kurtnauer) About Kurtenauer’s existence, Bielek was pretty sure, because in a later interview he stated, that he “traced him back” which means Bielek had found evidence of this person, which he (of course) never unveiled. We will come back to Kurtenauer in a separate chapter.
Then Bielek claimed, that the project was moved over to the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. This is when wellknown John von Neumann came into the game. Another scientist, who according to Bielek joined the project group in the late 30`s was Dr. Gustave Le Bon. As we will demonstrate this is another fabricated part of Bielek’s story.
Next Bielek jumped into a discussion about a mysterious movie of the Philadelphia Experiment, which allegedly was produced by EMI Thorn Corporation in 1983, a movie that according to Bielek was suppressed by court order for the US market. This is not the first movie about the Philadelphia Experiment with actor Michael Parč, which is well known to the public. After the movie issue, Bielek described his former life when he lived with the identity of one Ed Cameron, born in 1916 to his father Mr. Alexander Duncan Cameron, Sr. This part of Al Bielek’s story is the one which we can show has ‘blatant lie’ written all over it, as you will find in the chapter about Ed Cameron where we post what we uncovered about the real Cameron family.
A few chapters later, Bielek came to the details of the Philadelphia Experiment, which obviously were taken completely from the script of the first Philadelphia Experiment movie. Except, that in Bielek’s version he and his brother were those sailors traveling through time and space.
After his detailed description about the Philadelphia Experiment and what went wrong, he put in some other subjects into his story, merged it with the appearance of some aliens. From here, the story becomes completely bogus. As we will outline in other sections of this report, Bielek had lied on several occasions and we can clearly show how he manipulated several versions of the story into his own sensational saga.