Chamber Tests With Human Subjects / Naval Research Lab Washington DC CHAMBER TESTS WITH HUMAN SUBJECTS. 1. DESIGN AND OPERATION OF CHAMBER. 2. INITIAL TESTS OF NAVY ISSUE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AGAINST H VAPOR Descriptive Note : Rept. for Aug-Nov 1943 Corporate Author :...
PHILAD1 The Philadelphia Experiment (the Invisible Ship Experiment) by Alex Saunders for Search Magazine (September 8, 1989)
The Philadelphia Experiment & Nuclear Resonance Imaging The Philadelphia Experiment & Nuclear Resonance Imaging, a possible spin-off technology. Including many book quotes. By: Rick...
Transcript from Fox 50’s “Sightings” Transcript from Fox 50’s “Sightings” about The Flight 19 & the Philadelphia Exp. By: Andrew H. Hochheimer
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